View Full Version : E3 2006: Wii Wi-Fi Just Like DS

May 11th, 2006, 23:39
Via IGN (http://uk.revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707865p1.html)

May 11, 2006 - Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.

IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?
Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.

IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?

Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.

IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?

Tezuka: Yes.

Fantastic News for both DS and Wii fans :) Free Online Play too ;)

May 12th, 2006, 20:46
Free????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? ????????????!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!

May 12th, 2006, 21:56
I think I just wet myself

sko, TheLogicalGamer
May 15th, 2006, 01:12
That sucks. XBox Live is awesome. The PS3 is copying everything from Live and is making it free. Why can't Nintendo do the same thing? They embraced online gaming, but not in the right way.

May 16th, 2006, 21:32
One problem with the Wii using Wi-Fi............. that means I have to bring my Wii to Mcdonalds! Because, I can't get high speed internet where I live, so no Wi Fi :(