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View Full Version : DS killing the PSP in terms of... everything?

Cap'n 1time
May 12th, 2006, 14:38
Ive been watching the front page lately. It seems like the DS has been getting some cool releases lateley! Now in terms of emulators, psp is king, but the homebrew games and apps are flying out for the DS! The upcoming games for DS make me jump for joy while the PSP's new titles make me say.. "ugh" or "ive seen that before". Im starting to think No one can challenge Nintendo in the handheld market... hell even the homebrewers seem to be doing alot!

Anyway, if you got a DS and you got $15 and an old gba flash cart I recomend you buy a passme card and enjoy your DS to the fullest!

Dull Blade
May 13th, 2006, 03:30
very interesting. i dont realy do other consoles besides sega (except Xbox) but as you say psp is the emu guy and i personnaly am an emu guy too, so i may oneday own a psp or possible a ds when they are sold for the price of a dc 2 years ago.

May 14th, 2006, 02:45
I dont know much about both handleds.
But I always found the DS a lame thing with its double sided screen and pencil thing.
Some ppl find it original but I dont like the idea.
The PSP has all the awesome games like gta and need for speed with awesome goodlooking graphics. Compared to the grpahics of DS, PSP looks much better

May 14th, 2006, 05:01
i honestly feel psp is better bet hey here i'll get shot for saying this