View Full Version : Donkey Kong Jungle Beat ships in Two Weeks - Use the Tarukonga to control this new DK Platformer !

December 3rd, 2004, 13:00
News from Lik Sang (http://www.lik-sang.com/news.php?artc=3542&&lsaid=219793) [br][br] Last Christmas Nintendo released the original Donkey Konga, a beat based game using a special drum controller (Tarukonga), challenging players to bang and clap in time with the music. Sure it was more fun than a barrel of monkeys, but many fans were hoping to see a new full blown Donkey Kong platformer. Well, in two weeks the Japanese version of such a game ships, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, long before the March 14th date of the US release.[br] [br]DK Jungle Beat is clearly a new generation of platformer, from graphics to gameplay. Control uses the same Tarukonga drum controller as previously mentioned, and is as simple as tapping the drums in the direction you want to go, hitting both at once for a jump, and performing a variety of moves by clapping, picked up by the built in microphone.[br][br]The bright and colorful cartoon style keeps the graphics as fun as the gameplay, and brings back fond memories of Rare's Donkey Kong Country on the old SNES. Across many levels, the mission sees Donkey going ape over bananas, swinging vines, beating up bosses, and oh so much more monkey business with his friends of the jungle.[br]