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View Full Version : GamesFor Windows revamp ahead of W7

September 18th, 2009, 15:00
Microsoft revamps its Games For Windows platform for greater accessibility
Microsoft is revising its Games For Windows program in a new bid to gain ground on market leaders Valve.
On the software giant’s website is a new page which outlines self-certification guidelines for developers.
This nine-step process is said to be speedier and more straightforward than the previous set of hoops developers had to jump through.
Microsoft says that the entire certification process will now take, on average, 18 to 27 business days to complete.
The company has also released a set of 22 technical requirements which developers need to adhere to.

According to Microsoft, these requirements are all that’s needed to achieve the following:
* Support both 32-bit and 64-bit Platforms.
* Support Ratings and Parental Controls in Windows 7
* Game titles populated in the Game Explorer.
* Enhanced game update notifications for game titles.
* Create an easier game installation experience.
* Stability, security and compatibility against commonly known issues.
Microsoft says its goal is to attract "more game developers participating with more game titles that pass a standardized set of technical requirements."
The revamp comes weeks ahead of the consumer launch of Windows 7.
