View Full Version : Ben Heck moves PS3 shoulder buttons to the front, spins us right round, baby, right r

September 18th, 2009, 16:10

If you've ever wished that those buttons on your videogame controller were over here instead of over there, you know who to call. Master modder Ben Heck's latest creation isn't his most amazing, but it fulfills a need for one gamer, that is to "make the shoulder buttons easier to get at." The result is a somewhat inelegant mod (by Heck's standards), bringing the L and R buttons to the fore, ditching the "last generation" rumble motors in the process. No loss, right Phil Harrison? Video demonstration after the break.


September 18th, 2009, 19:00
lol how is that easier? because the button layout is set right, ud have a prob using the d-pad and X etc pads with your thumbs to use them modded pads, unless your handicap lol

September 18th, 2009, 20:10
lol how is that easier? because the button layout is set right, ud have a prob using the d-pad and X etc pads with your thumbs to use them modded pads, unless your handicap lol

Ben has done modifications for handicapped before (His single handed Xbox controllers are for the handicapped and war veterans), and it seems clear this mod would benefit someone who does not have all their digits.

September 19th, 2009, 05:36
Ben has done modifications for handicapped before (His single handed Xbox controllers are for the handicapped and war veterans), and it seems clear this mod would benefit someone who does not have all their digits.

Oh! ok fair enough, I don't follow his mods