January 1st, 1970, 01:00
Today is Easter Sunday and for us more importantly its the Launch day of the newest Dreamcast Emulation and Homebrew Site in the scene.[br][br]This site hosted by the excellent Emulation64 (http://www.emulation64.com) is 2 months in the making from the original template that James Woodcock of Xbox Rules.com (http://www.xboxrules.com/) gave to me and also help from WaCko and the majority of help from LyonHrt to what is now infront of you.[br][br]We have every emulator released for the Dreamcast on the site and also the latest homebrew releases too and as we build the site up we will become the most up to date site featuring the best in features, downloads and so much more, with a friendly forum/community to enhance that.[br][br]There is lots more i could say but for now i declare this site open. :)
[Modified 04/11/04 14:23:31 by DCEmu_Newsposter]
[Modified 04/11/04 14:23:31 by DCEmu_Newsposter]