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View Full Version : 2.7 eloader

May 14th, 2006, 15:34
hehe sike. well not really. Has anyone ever tried removing everything from the loco roco eboot file except sonys signature. Couldnt you put an eloader there that would be launched right from the game menu. Just wondering, someone prove me wrong so I can sleep.

May 14th, 2006, 16:42
i may be wrong but i think the sony sig is the encrytion method, the whole file is part of it, if you change any part of a sony file it becomes corrupt,

also if you load something from the game menu you wouldnt need a eloader, just boot up the game in the same way

May 14th, 2006, 16:46
well you might not need an eloader i'm thinking more of a shell, because it would probably call the file loco roco demo, instead of the homebrew you wanna play.

May 14th, 2006, 16:48
it will never work

unless someone managed to unlock the decryption method that sony uses "(the signature)
never happen

May 14th, 2006, 17:04
the signature is right on the pbp file, try it yourself using pbp unpacker

May 14th, 2006, 19:08
cant got a mac
are you saying it is a separate piece of information
try pasting it in an eboot
post it here
i will have ago

June 30th, 2006, 15:11
tried gets corrupt straight away