View Full Version : New Downloads from OneThirty8

April 10th, 2004, 20:09
OneThirty8 posted this in the Storm-Studios (http://storm-studios.net)forums:[br][br]I've converted the DirectDraw example of the Yeti3D engine to render and accept keyboard input via SDL. It compiles without changes for Windows (with Dev-C++), Mac OS X (Project Builder) and Dreamcast (I used Cygwin, but whatever.) I've included project files and a DC makefile. [br][br]Also, I put together a zip file of helpful tools. Some of these, like bitmap-to-texture converters, come from GP32 devvers. A couple other apps, like one that converts the binary texture and palette files into a C file, are by me. [br][br]Both zip files can be found at http://www.storm-studios.net/onethirty8/Yetistuff.html