View Full Version : PSP Homepage ( working on title )

May 14th, 2006, 21:53
This is a simple html/javascript page that iv been working on for the psp's webbrowser homepage , it will be put in your PSP/COMMON folder and accessed from the psp's memory card. as of now it only consists of the Login page where you will type your username/password then simply click login and you will be directed to the main page. passwords will be encrypted and i will include a page encryptor IF i ever realise it. My ideas so far are

Flash Games for 2.7
Flash videos for 2.7
Yahoo! messenger Online link
Update page.
news update iframe from my server
and a few other things as this project grows.

problem is , what i want done with this i cannot do alone and will need alot of help. Graphics will be done by me no problem. SOME html/javascript coding will be done by me. alot of the advance coding and options where people can edit the script is what i will need help on.

Screenshots are posted below ( looks ALOT better on psp!!!! )


Please tell me what you think from looking at the pics , and also if you would like to help me out with it.:D

May 14th, 2006, 23:00
you should make it be a portal instead or let us dl the games too

May 15th, 2006, 00:29
a portal as in php? and what do you mean let us download the games too?