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May 14th, 2006, 23:37
A bunch of places tell me to put something in the root of the psp. What is the root exactly? Is it mp_root? or farther down (100AMNV....)?or neither? sory for the noob question. thx

May 14th, 2006, 23:42
No no no lol. The root is the well root of your memory card. Its where you see the PSP folder. So for example if you have something that needs to be in the root of your memory card put "what ever needs to be there" right next to your psp.

May 15th, 2006, 04:44
It is hard to explain. The best way to say it would be to say "Put it on your Memory Stick inside no folders".

May 15th, 2006, 07:15
I'll cute this fast and easy. LOL.
using USB with your PSP and Memory stick
in My PC there should appear your psp letter (for example e:\). then it hould appear like this:

-E:\ (example letter)

inside E:\

--PSP (folder)
-- MP_ROOT (this is the folder you want)

inside MP_ROOT

--- 100ANV01 (only available on 2.5 and above (i believe so))
--- 100MNV01 (for all)

For further more info please refer to : psp-vault video guide (http://www.psp-vault.com/module-htmlpages-display-pid-29.psp)