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View Full Version : After E3 which Next Gen Console Floats Your Boat

May 15th, 2006, 00:25
The news and goings on at E3 have been majorly interesting and it seems that there was one clear winner in the soon to be battle of the next gens,

Sony delivered an overpriced and reduced spec console that has 2 versions one with less features and lets be fair Joe public doesnt want to mess around with different versions of hardware, going down the Xbox 360 road on that score wasnt a wise move, as for the Xbox 360 itdidnt really grab my attention at E3 so that brings us to Nintendos funilly named Wii console, a console with many great games coming for it and the virtual console, which will massively please emulation fans. The thought of a lightsaber game/controller really grabs my attention.

Which system do you think most impressed at E3.?

May 15th, 2006, 00:28

May 15th, 2006, 00:31
As exciting and dazzling as PS3 is, the Nintendo Wii looks like a lot more fun. Plus, at a third of the PS3's price, even my wallet is excited.

May 15th, 2006, 00:31
Actually b4 i was most excited for PS3 but after E3 Im gonna go with the Wii.

May 15th, 2006, 00:34
I was hyped on the ps3 and the Wii. Now I definitly want a Wii even more than a ps3. Again sony is going to lose a lot of people at launch cause of the high price. Maybe in 2008 I'll finally get a ps3 when the price goes down. I'm still even thinking on getting an xbox360. There's some games that are exclusive for it and seem really nice.

May 15th, 2006, 00:46
Wii definately

May 15th, 2006, 00:50
no contest - wii wins. ps3 is technically impressive but theres no way in hell that people are gonna shell out that kind of money.
add that to the fact there shafting uk customers yet again by not releasing the core system here, only the premium pack, and you can see why wii will win :D

May 15th, 2006, 00:57
Yes this is an interesting turnaround. I cringed at the idea when I first learned about Nintendo's Revolution. But now I am finding myself more and more drawn to it. So the Wii due to the fun-factor & affordable price gets my 1st place award.

I really want a PS3 though. And if it truly has Blu-Ray movie support built in, I would not mind spending the extra money.

May 15th, 2006, 01:10
Certainly Nintendo's wii (don't like the name change though). But as mentioned previously in a post the price of the ps3 will drop eventually (remember when Xbox first came out?) will probably get one in a couple of years but I am going to buy my Wii as soon as I can.
I can't even get excited Xbox 360. Hail the revolution!

May 15th, 2006, 01:18
Well i'm getting a Xbox 360 the core pack first whats nice is its still the same console lol unlike sony. So i if i want any of the other stuff i will just by the hard drive later and wireless controlers later. Then maby a Wii and by that time i might still have enough money for a PS3 lol.

May 15th, 2006, 01:20
I usualy wait about a year for the consoles to get all of the bugs fixed then i will buy a console but i think the 360 has been out for about a year thats one of the reasons i'm gonna get that first. Has anyone who has had it had any problems with it? or is it running great? i'll probaly pick it up next month or so.

May 15th, 2006, 02:16
Note to JmanUmmKay
yes Core pack of 360 is cheaper by hundred or so dollars
If u purchase the bundle you'll actualy save yourself the money on the HD and wireless controllers

The HD is like 120 bucks .. thats CNd cash but still man
Just thought i'd note that

May 15th, 2006, 02:17
Oh and to actualy post on this topic
I'm definetly goin with the Wii *cough* Revolution*cough*

May 15th, 2006, 02:18
Im getting all of them
thats the only way to see what console is the best

May 15th, 2006, 02:32
Im getting all of them
thats the only way to see what console is the best

Yeah, I'm a die-hard fan of most video games so I will eventually have them all. I have the XBOX 360. I heard the first batch had some bugs but I just got mine (399.99 Premium Package) about a month ago and it works perfect so far. Emulates and plays most original XBOX games also which is a HUGE bonus. HALO 2 plays like a dream over XBOX Live on 360. I do like the 360 but as of now there are only a few MUST HAVE games. And I can't stand paying $60.00 per game.

May 15th, 2006, 02:48
PS3 definitely. Was gonna buy the Revolution too, but I would feel embarased to say I play with my Wii :rolleyes:
Just like the xbox, xbox360 only has one game I want... Dead or Alive!
I have DOA1 on PS1, DOA2 on PS2, but now they release each new one on an xbox... WHY!!! :(
Atleast if i do decide to buy a 360, it will now have two games I want: DOA3 & DOA4...

I usualy wait about a year for the consoles to get all of the bugs fixedGlad I didnt wait a year for psp to be released in UK with 1.52 or 2.00. :p

May 15th, 2006, 03:06
The Wii is most exciting for me. Paying $600 for a system I already own (albeit with better graphics that a poor fool with a SD TV like me can't take advantage of) is not attractive. I can't wait to get my hands on some of these new Wii games.

May 15th, 2006, 03:16
360 for me. it's rumored that the 360 will have yearly price drops, just so xbox can screw ps3 even more. the price drops makes the 360 even more appealing.

May 15th, 2006, 03:22
PS3 definitely. Was gonna buy the Revolution too, but I would feel embarased to say I play with my Wii :rolleyes:
Just like the xbox, xbox360 only has one game I want... Dead or Alive!
I have DOA1 on PS1, DOA2 on PS2, but now they release each new one on an xbox... WHY!!! :(
Atleast if i do decide to buy a 360, it will now have two games I want: DOA3 & DOA4...
Glad I didnt wait a year for psp to be released in UK with 1.52 or 2.00. :p

LOL the one time i didn't do it ended up being better. I have a 1.5 too. I say that but i usually don't wait that long lol.

May 15th, 2006, 03:26
nintendo's Wii looks freakin awesome. warioware and zelda all the way.

May 15th, 2006, 03:29
hmm i think wii is the most practical but

ps3 will be best'

jman... my xbox has had no problems... and oblibion is amazin

May 15th, 2006, 03:30
To the guy who said they didnt want to buy a wii because of the name.......i feel sorry for you...your going to miss out on all the fun. =) Can't wait for Sadness and Mario Galaxy and Bob Ross's Joy of painting.....fun times.

May 15th, 2006, 03:34
I can not wait for the Wii. My friends will all get PS3's (like i was going to, but changed my mind to wii) and 360's. They will make fun of me at first, but soon they will all want to come to house house and play with my wii. :D

May 15th, 2006, 03:53
Wii For Me.
Still getting a ps3 but i think they screwed up their "cheap" pack way more than 360's crappy deal.

May 15th, 2006, 04:32
...they will all want to come to house house and play with my wii. :D

They're going to play with your wii? :eek: :p

Anyway, I also feel that the Wii will be the best, whereas before I thought the PS3 and Xbox 360 would blow it out of the water.

I am probably going to force myself to buy an Xbox 360 for Halo 3 because I am a die-hard Halo fan.

But the Wii still will probably come out on top. By the looks of it, it will provide the most enjoyment out of all of them. I'd love to play all those old SNES, N64, and GC games on a new system with a GC controller (lost/destroyed/sold most of my old systems and games). Plus, aren't they going to have a function for all those old games to play multiplayer over the internet?

The Wii's controller is also a very cool deal, at first it looked like a bomb ready to blow, but now that we've all had time to really look at it (as I'm sure Nintendo had to do for a while), it looks like it'll be loads more fun than a conventional controller. I also drool at the idea of lightsaber fights with the new remote. Nintendo has always been innovative in terms of the fun-factor and just plain playability (DS touch screen and now "remote" controller, there are plenty of others as well).

Edit: Oh, and the fact that you could buy 5... Wiis?... for the price of one PS3 and one Xbox 360.

May 15th, 2006, 05:42
Maby i will get the 400 pack in the end i'll probaly save more money. Its not so much the HD but the HardDrive is not included and that means no backward compatiblilty and storage space and the HardDrive is a hundered bucks.

May 15th, 2006, 05:45
Ima go with Wii as impressive, though I think that PS3 was incredible. Sony has a lot of problems to fix before I would even consider chucking out that 600 US $ (which will eventually happen...). I think at 250 $ a pop, Nintendo is going to make a killing. Smart pricing strategy and smart moves in general, I think Nintendo will come out on top.

May 15th, 2006, 06:04
I'm going to have to say, I didn't feel the least bit excited by the Xbox360 or PS3, from what I saw from both camps at E3. I knew for a while that I wasn't planning on getting either of them, but the whole price point of the PS3, and the lack of anything interesting for the 360 just made me write both of them completely off. Wii definately looked to be the best of the bunch. Innovative, fun, and still having pretty good graphics. I don't see how you could go wrong with the Wii right now.

May 15th, 2006, 06:08
LOL so far it looks like the general idea is everyone is going with the Wii.

And I will admit, I too am going to have to get a Wii (in fact im going to reserve one as soon as the option becomes available)

if the general idea around the internet follows what these 30ish posts did than i think Nintendo might become the overall winner of the Console wars once again.


May 15th, 2006, 07:07
I've got the XBOX 360 and I've gotta say Wii. The PS3 promises a lot but has a high price tag and Sony have a reputation of not delivering But, the Wii looks fun, innovative and is cheap and cheerful, like my DS :D

May 15th, 2006, 07:42
Without doubt, the Wii is going to be the best next gen console imo. Sure, it may not have the graphical power of the PS3 or 360, but, that controller looks awsome, I cant wait to give it a try. Nintendo...... Whodathunkit ???

Mr. Shizzy
May 15th, 2006, 08:26
I'm getting a Wii & a PS3. I'm just not impressed with the 360. Wii will rock b/c of all the innovations; but I'm mainly after the emulation on a home console.
Yes- PS3 is outragesly over priced-but it will be the most powerful home console in the world. Plus I can still use it for my PS1 & PS2 games. Plus connectivity with my PSP!

May 15th, 2006, 09:08
HOLY S**T!!! Looks like the wii is winning hands down. I gotta say that I wasn't so sure about the controller at first (and traditionally I'm a bit of a power junky) but after seeing it in action. Wow. PS3 will win for the power stakes but although it's quite resonable the price puts it out of most peoples hands. whereas the wii - cheap, innovative, supports emulation.... and lets not forget Link.
I wanna play with my wii too.

May 15th, 2006, 09:12
my money burns my wallet. im getting my own room come the end of september so im buying atleast a 32" HDTV and then come november i shall be buying a wii and a ps3. Mgs4 in 2007 is going to rule aswell as i love my final fantasys and i dont see them jumping consoles anytime soon for their major releases.

ps3 rules however it is expensive, but if you can afford it buy it :)

May 15th, 2006, 09:26
I'm really shocked by the results of this little poll. I really thought on a PSP forum there would be much more support for the PS3. This doesn't say much for Sony right now at all. Way to go though for Nintendo, this curveball named Wii really seems to be the perfect move. The PS3 is amazing hardware, but amazing hardware costs a lot. There's nothing technically amazing about the Wii, which is why it can be so cheap and still be profitable. Really genius, who would have guessed it.

May 15th, 2006, 11:28
I have never been one to demand amazing graphics, I still spend hours on my snes playing super mario all stars on occasion and have a blast. And I am broke as heck so I'd have to go with a wii. I have been loyal to nintnedo for years now and they have yet to let me down. I have also heard that PS3 will most likely have tons of problems upon release and the games will be extremely over-priced. So I am gonna just start saving some money for myself and go out and get myself a wii

May 15th, 2006, 11:39
Wii looks great. Graphics aren't all that but I can imagine how brilliant the games are going to be. Gonna pre-order mine soon as possible. I might get an Xbox 360 at some point too, for all the flashy games. PS3.. well, I hate Sony so they can keep their crappy PS3. :P

the one and only
May 15th, 2006, 13:59
lol by the votes so far nearly everyone will be playing on thir shiny wii on its rellease, as will i

GO nintendo!!

May 15th, 2006, 14:04
Any chance of an actual poll. (Although it looks like weve got a clear winner already!)

May 15th, 2006, 14:24
I used to think that the Playstation 3 looked incredible before E3 2006, but after E3 it looked more like a... tech demo, they didn't show any impressive games, they completely copied nintendo's idea because they were so desperate for ideas, and i could never shell out 600 USD. As for the XBOX 360, I really can't see the difference between XBOX 1 and XBOX 360. So nintendo wii it is. The wii hugely impressed me with the comtroller of the wii, so I will probably be buying that

:) :) :)

May 15th, 2006, 15:23
I'm getting my ps3 at launch date, and i'm planning on getting a wii either springtime if i've got the money or when we get one through the shop. [i work at a pawn shop [: ] as for 360, yeah, just going to do what i did with my xbox wait till i can get it hella cheap through the shop.

funny thought; if nintendo and playstation came together they could make "plastation wii" wow the name would keep everyone smiling for years. [:

May 15th, 2006, 16:07
I pre-ordered my PS2 6 months in advance regardless of cost last time and I'll be doing the same this time around for the PS3.

With all the extra functions of WIFI and bluetooth, Blu-ray and Video streaming to my PSP it's hard not to get excited even with the high price.

Early PS2 adopters had to shell out some serious cash 5 years ago and I'm sure those people will do the same.
Start saving now:)

May 15th, 2006, 16:55
I have always liked Nintendo for their first party software (Zelda, Metroid), but their third party software support really sucks! If the comments here are any indication I think the wii will gain third party support. I am seriously considering getting a wii. After all it's the games that matter most not graphics (sorry for being cliché)

May 15th, 2006, 17:52
Dont you all see, this is nintendo getting back on top, they were the console king for years, until sony came out with the PS, now nintendo is going to rise again!

May 15th, 2006, 18:41
i still like the 360 xbox rules. but i will buy a wii and a ps3. people forget real fast back in 2001 at e3 everyone was saying how great the gamecube was and how the xbox was crap. xbox out sold the gamecube . here we go again the outcome will be the same the ps3 will out sell the wii. i work at a gamestore and for every 10 calls we get on the ps3 we get like one for the wii way more people ask if they can res the ps3 then the wii. nintendo fans make a lot of noise on the net but not in the stores

May 15th, 2006, 18:48
I pre-ordered my PS2 6 months in advance regardless of cost last time and I'll be doing the same this time around for the PS3.

With all the extra functions of WIFI and bluetooth, Blu-ray and Video streaming to my PSP it's hard not to get excited even with the high price.

Early PS2 adopters had to shell out some serious cash 5 years ago and I'm sure those people will do the same.
Start saving now:)299.99 is not that much thats what i paid for my ps2

Cap'n 1time
May 15th, 2006, 19:06
299.99 is not that much thats what i paid for my ps2


... anyway I feel like im getting to old to shell out too much money on video games now a days.. the wii not only is the most interactive and interesting to me, but its coincidently the most reasonably priced. Also all the movies point somthing out to me... no not the ones with beautiful people, nor that dude in the crazy ass mask. Im talking about families playing together.. and more specifically people that dont really enjoy the modern videogames.. I dont know about you guys, but sometimes id rather sit down with the family and play a game of monopoly then steal cars and beat up prostitutes.. and whil stealing cars and beating up prostitutes has its place It eventually becomes boring and lonely.

Perhapes thats just nintendo's marketing scheme.. but it worked on me :)

Wii all the way!

May 15th, 2006, 19:37
After feeling slated on the Gamecube for the lack of games I enjoy playing and the complete lack of effort put into game deveolpment for the system. I was going to leave Nintendo out of my future plans. After E3's showing, I reconsidered. To me a system is about it's uniqueness and potential fun level. So upon seeing how well the controller system is developing along. I definitely think Nintendo has set the standard in next gen gaming. It's not more of the same and prettier concept. It's the thoughtfull and interactive concept that really counts for me. I look forward to getting a copy of the Tennis game that was demo'd. In fact I do believe all the sport titles will be a blast to play on the Nintendo Wii.

May 15th, 2006, 20:58
wii wii wii hmmm i was thinkin of getting a wii and i probably will but right now ps3 is for me i mean im sure most of u own a psp right??? think of the internet being connected to ur ps3 and going online with it browsing websites and downloading content including music and videos along with the eyetoy features it has do u guys kno how much potental the EYETOY HAS????? i mean hello! next gen the eyetoy is going to be awesome with video chat online and picture taking for profiles to being IN THE GAME and using ur enviroment around u to play didnt u guys see that tech demo of the ps3 and eyetoy??? where the guy picked up a cup and moved it in front of the eyetoy and on the screen he filled the glass of water and threw it around in a bath tub????? it was amazing and awesome i see microsoft again pretty much getting there asses kicked the wii winning basiclly cuz of price but i am for the ps3 and how inivative it will be to use the new controller along with the nice hard drive and multimedia playback and! with the awesome graphics that make u feel like its real therefore giving u better gameplay feel ps3 all the way although i might end up getting the wii and microsoft sucks they messed up i think

May 15th, 2006, 21:37
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!

May 15th, 2006, 21:56
wii wii wii hmmm i was thinkin of getting a wii and i probably will but right now ps3 is for me i mean im sure most of u own a psp right??? think of the internet being connected to ur ps3 and going online with it browsing websites and downloading content including music and videos along with the eyetoy features it has do u guys kno how much potental the EYETOY HAS????? i mean hello! next gen the eyetoy is going to be awesome with video chat online and picture taking for profiles to being IN THE GAME and using ur enviroment around u to play didnt u guys see that tech demo of the ps3 and eyetoy??? where the guy picked up a cup and moved it in front of the eyetoy and on the screen he filled the glass of water and threw it around in a bath tub????? it was amazing and awesome i see microsoft again pretty much getting there asses kicked the wii winning basiclly cuz of price but i am for the ps3 and how inivative it will be to use the new controller along with the nice hard drive and multimedia playback and! with the awesome graphics that make u feel like its real therefore giving u better gameplay feel ps3 all the way although i might end up getting the wii and microsoft sucks they messed up i think

that controller isnt innovative dumbass six degrees of motion or whatever the **** they called it is tilt and tumble tech that gameboy colour games used, the ps3 menu is not original since it borrows from psp, also the wiimote is better because it can sense 354 more degrees than the crappy ps3 controller, the wiimote is more practical since it wont be used as a gimmick, the ps3 controller will be used as a gimmick and rarely used in any game considering it was so obvious that it was tacked on, wii is better because its motion sensing, i tell ya sony is trying hard to beat xbox live too and will copy it too, they have already been sued and will most likely be sued again, there is no difference between xbox 360 and ps3, might as well get a 360 and wii for the price of one ps3, bang for your buck yeah right a pc for 200 bucks is more powerful than all three machines, 360 and ps3 will have same games anyways, wii will push innovation, its better to get a wii and 360 first then wait for a ps3, fanboys will surely buy it first though, also name is not original and neither is design and it actually looks bigger than original ps2, wii and 360 look better in terms of design name and originality and have actually changed, ps3 is just an expensive ps2, people should wait for a price drop, by the way im getting all three what system doesnt have their faults :)

May 15th, 2006, 22:15

... anyway I feel like im getting to old to shell out too much money on video games now a days.. the wii not only is the most interactive and interesting to me, but its coincidently the most reasonably priced. Also all the movies point somthing out to me... no not the ones with beautiful people, nor that dude in the crazy ass mask. Im talking about families playing together.. and more specifically people that dont really enjoy the modern videogames.. I dont know about you guys, but sometimes id rather sit down with the family and play a game of monopoly then steal cars and beat up prostitutes.. and whil stealing cars and beating up prostitutes has its place It eventually becomes boring and lonely.

Perhapes thats just nintendo's marketing scheme.. but it worked on me :)

Wii all the way!

Yeah I definately agree. It's fun to just mess around with more than one person. Also, picture playing baseball with a friend online. One person pitches and the other person hits. It's like having a real game. Can't wait for this.

May 15th, 2006, 23:44
i was originally planning on buying a ps3, but since its so expensive, i can't wait to get my hands on a Wii (even tho i hate the name). playing games from older consoles, connecting to my ds, having wireless b/g, and having a wireless controller (which is niceley interactive) for $200 is truly a bargain compared to sonys $600 ps3.

i do plan on buying a ps3 when the price for the non-crippled version goes down to AT LEAST $400

May 16th, 2006, 00:10
Well, i just saw a few preview traillers for final fantasy: crystal chronicals on the Wii... it looks pretty damn good.
Zelda looks awsome aswell, + some other good japanese games that will probably never ever be seen in the UK.

I still don't really like the thought of using a tv remote for a controller...

I also watched the final fantasy 13 preview for PS3, which looks incredible aswell, the battle system looks very fluid and the gfx looks great.

So, I will be buying both PS3 and Wii by the time they are released in UK... (Nintendo will probably reach the UK first anyway :p)

PS3 too expensive? It cost's $800 to make, and is gonna be sold at $600...
Like Ken Kutaragi said when asked about price: You had better start doing lots of overtime!! :D
Even my with my McD job i can earn enough for a PS3 within 3 weeks... and im "part time" :p

May 16th, 2006, 00:50
Even my with my McD job i can earn enough for a PS3 within 3 weeks... and im "part time" :p

What about feeding yourslef, paying bills, and necessities (cloths, etc.) JK, lol. :D
$600 is still a little on the steep side for a video-game console (unless your buying it for Blu-Ray) ;)

May 16th, 2006, 01:26
I could just live on free McD food for 3 weeks...
(hmm, maybe not a good idea. I think some famous dude tried that and had bad side affects.
Although im sure he made more than $600 doing that, hmm... :D)

I don't really have many bills to pay, and i can go without buying clothes for 3 weeks.
I could probably manage 3 years really... I don't like shopping! :p

And yes, a big reason i find $600 ok price for ps3 is the blue-ray...
Not that I personally need blue-ray, I just wanna make sure that Blue-Ray wins the war against HD-DVD.
In these wars, the lower quality, cheaper media format always wins...
But this time the better one is inside a PS3, so maybe the better media will win this war. :p

May 16th, 2006, 04:35
im gonna have to try a finished product of the wii just to be safe, but im pretty sure its got what it takes to win a battle against ps3 and xbox, as long as it doesnt try to directly compete with the two

the one and only
May 16th, 2006, 04:52
I have always liked Nintendo for their first party software (Zelda, Metroid), but their third party software support really sucks! If the comments here are any indication I think the wii will gain third party support.

it already has...
havent u seen red steel
i cant wait

the one and only
May 16th, 2006, 04:54
And yes, a big reason i find $600 ok price for ps3 is the blue-ray...
Not that I personally need blue-ray,

lol i was at the playstation forums and they are all complaining about how the ps3 is just an expensive way for sony to push blu ray xD there was about 2 people on sony's side lol

May 16th, 2006, 05:05
hmm idk i say ps3 just for the people who Can buy it... or only plan on getting one...

and i say ps3 didnt really rip of nintendo... i didnt think it had enough time...

heres a POS thing about nintendo... its always a step behind...

ps1 disks.. n64.. cartridge..
ps2 and xbox online.... gamecube nope
360 and ps3... work well with my hd tv... wii doesnt even have hd

the one and only
May 16th, 2006, 05:13
hmm idk i say ps3 just for the people who Can buy it... or only plan on getting one...

and i say ps3 didnt really rip of nintendo... i didnt think it had enough time...

heres a POS thing about nintendo... its always a step behind...

ps1 disks.. n64.. cartridge..
ps2 and xbox online.... gamecube nope
360 and ps3... work well with my hd tv... wii doesnt even have hd

ok the cartridges allowed for bigger more defineed games, or the n64 came out waaay before the ps1 <-- not too sure on that

ps2 and xbox online.... gamecube nope <--- gamecube does have the capabilities to go online but it sucked too bad

and wii dont need hd-tv to be a good console they could of done hd-tv but it would prob push the cost up 2 much

and for the motiuon sensing thing

i remeber hearing about the tilt controller while sony still had the super boomerang controller but i think that sony lost their innovation there i think that teh new ps3 controllers idea was to be heavy duty ie. if you threw it it would come back

now that would be cool

May 16th, 2006, 05:25
i just went to the Nintendo Wii site, and it keeps on blowing me away. turns out you can use your Gamecube controller and mem cards. i can't wait to have mine. i'll be pre-ordering as soon as i can!

May 16th, 2006, 05:37
i hated the boomerang controller. i'm glad they remodeled it!

the one and only
May 16th, 2006, 08:11
lol i know i did as well. i was close to wanting a ps3 then the price was announced!!

im so happy when i got mi gamecube i got the biggest mem card available now as soon as i get my wii i have 2 controllers and a fricking huge mem card xD

May 16th, 2006, 10:59
actually if you want to get technical gamecube did have an online option

May 16th, 2006, 16:06
Well, here goes:

I think that I'm definatly getting Wii and PS3 to get best of both worlds. Wii looks like most fun, and PS3 looks like most nextgen coolness + features. And I'm one of the few who are actually looking very much forward to the BlueRay player and all the Linux and mediaportal features the PS3 sports. And also the PSP connectivity sounds really promising.

The Wii has all the fun looking 1st party titles and PS3 still have some of my favorite exclusive titles like GT, MGS, Tekken, Devil May Cry, Jak and Daxter, Rachet and Clank and so on. Plus they have the excellent studios like Naughty Dog and Insomniac.. And OMG did you see Heavenly Sword yet??!?? :D

And something Microsoft ofcourse forgot to mention, the nextgen GTA is also coming for PS3 even though they like to make it sound otherwise...

The only thing now that looks nice on 360 is all the legacy arcade stuff, but I actually prefer using my PSP for that so I can take it with me.. And the 360 is kinda left behind already with no build in (as in garanteed support for) harddrive, HD media (yeah, 360 is getting an external HD-DVD drive, but that's pretty lame and probably won't get any game support) or motion sensor control...

So there... :)

May 17th, 2006, 00:39
When ps3 comes out i'm going straight to the game store and buying an xbox 360 (price will have dropped by then) and later on when the second wave of games come out i'll buy a Wii, and i still wont have spent $600.
Where do they think they can get off charging $600 for a f*****g over priced piece of s**t with a blu-ray drive i don't want yet/if at all, just to try and win a format battle at our expense and sell us blu-ray films that cost 20% more than the already over priced dvd's. Sony you must think we all have stupid tattooed on our foreheads!!!

May 17th, 2006, 01:32
currently $600 converted to pounds would be £318.19... why is everyone saying this is expensive?

ok... so i know UK will get shafted, having to pay atleast £400 ($754.27)!!
But assuming, for some reason that doesn't happen; it will cost 320 quid!
Does that sound much more than xbox 360?
Xbox 360, which has been out a few months, is currently £280 (amazon.co.uk)...
so ps3 should only be the price of one game more! :p

Yes, i know i'm messing around with numbers... Britain WILL be shafted, with atleast 400 quid... :rolleyes:

the one and only
May 17th, 2006, 04:14
lol lucky pom

May 17th, 2006, 08:44
I remember people saying I was crazy to spend $300 on PS2, so to double that price is scary.

May 17th, 2006, 11:10
I remember people saying I was crazy to spend $300 on PS2, so to double that price is scary.When the PS2 was released in the UK, the lowest price was £300... £ not $...
I don't know what the conversion rate was back then but it would be over $500.

It wasn't uncommon to see stores selling the very hard to find PS2's at £400 and some auction websites trying (and apparently succeeding) to sell them as high as £800 - £1000!!

I can remember wishing I had pre-ordered one, just so I could try to sell it at £1000! :p

May 17th, 2006, 12:23
I don’t know why this had to happen, but I feel screwed a little bit by Sony. I mean, seriously, what they’re doin is down right insulting. From what I saw at E3, sony execs seem to cherish this conception that whatever they throw out at us, we’ll swallow. I Had a PS2 solely throughout this generation and a PS1 in the prior. I was even quick to buy a PSP (a move I somewhat regret), but this is where I draw the line. As far as I’m concerned, the games sure do make a system great, but a $500-$600 (BEFORE TAX!!!) Price tag puts it across my common sense. I just cant justify myself at my age (23) spending that much money on a freaking videogame console. Sony doesn’t seem to be really what they want to do in the console market, they just seem to want to try and ride out the wave started by PS1/PS2. I mean as far as innovations, they pushed graphics, threw in a nice processor (A REAL nice processor more later). All the innovations on the console seems to be coming from SCEE (Eyetoy and such), and the rest is just creating comparable services based on existing hardwares seen in competitors products.

The insulting part are the systems highlights. The Cell Processor, and the Blue Ray format. Why? These are hands down why the system is carrying the hefty price tag. I don’t think HDMI outputs on a device cost a company $100 to make, so I don’t see the real reason in price point behind that combined with saving gigs on the HD. Especially not a home entertainment company who has been pushing their Grand Wega TV’s for yrs. Instead the reason they’re even in our systems is because they want their proprietary format and their Multicore Processor to become the new status quo. They don’t expect videogames to drive the company’s bottom line. Sony is a multi-faceted hardware manufacturer/entertainment company. They know that if they push Blue Ray in their PS3, and it sells, Format wars will cease and HD-DVD will have to concede. They’re simply riding the numbers of the fact that PS2 has 100million brand enthused customers who they need to keep on this new generation which will inadvertently make the Blue Ray market share, (counting PS3 sells comparable to PS2), enormous. That’s where they’ll make their money. When all the Hollywood studios have to pay them to use their format cus all our PS3’s read Blu ray but not HD-DVD.

Where does that leave us, the consumers? Screwed cus we have to pay at least $500 for a PS3 (likely $550 with tax) and that’s just to take it home to power up the PS2 games you already own. If you want a friend, or actual PS3 that’s another $50-$60(more?) out your pocket. Why should I pay so much money to play MGS4?! You know in the good ‘ol days the best games cost 25 cents. The processor I feel I can excuse, that thing rocks. I’m sure in a few yrs when developers get good at using whats in their the games will crush the competitions (MMO Games will be HUGE thanks to the space and processor) But I flat out refuse to spend that kinda money on a videogame system, I likely wont even THINK to get one til they get around the $300 range just cus they patronized and insulted me with this BS.

the one and only
May 17th, 2006, 13:22
hear hear

May 17th, 2006, 15:37
snkrock25 you've got it spot on, sony are using gamers as pawns in it's battle for blu-ray to win the format war. most programmers don't believe the extra space on blu-ray or hd-dvd will be a factor for games in the next five years (which is the usual life cycle between new consoles) and most people arent ready for a new video format, dvd's have been around a fraction of the time vhs was and was a much bigger leap forward than blu-ray/hd-dvd is.
Xbox360 has a product on the shelves already with games getting better all the time and price drops on the way.
Wii's has a cheap price point and new approach to controlling gameplay.
Ps3 has an over priced game console (could buy both the other systems for less) that plays expensive movies that might go the way of betamax. GAME OVER SONY

May 17th, 2006, 18:35
I never owned anything microsoft that wasnt software. I havent owned a nintendo console since the original GBA came that (SNES before that). I guess I would be labled a sony fanboy. I just liked it cus it was convenient. It had the games I wanted, and they were almost always cheaper than the competition (Ps1 games were only $40).

Sony moved themselves away from the realm of convenience with the PSP and are headed the same direction with the PS3. As such, I conceded and bought a 360. I wasnt going to, but it's controller is pretty much a better PS2's, It has free demo's, and i only spend $299 for the premium system. And yes, them making sure they have GTA4 on day1 allowed me to say 'screw it'. I may never play MGS4 or FFXIII, but then again I went a whole generation by almost never playing Halo, and playing Halo2 literally one time in my life. I realized I can live without some games.

Sometimes I just dont understand the rationality with some gamers and their money. I refuse to spend THOUSANDS of dollars for a few hrs of entertainment in front of my TV :confused:

May 17th, 2006, 20:09
while i still think the price of the 360 in the uk is ridiculous, it is still far more reasonably priced then the ps3 is going to be. we all know the uk gets screwed by every company - this is why i buy import systems. even those however are dearer than would be expected however because of ripoff britain. (import duties, tax whatever)
so i think im glad for once that a company is doing a near simultaneous release (same as the 360) and at a reasonable price point too - even if the games are slightly more expensive. and heres another tip - buying import games when they become used is the cheapest option because used game stores in this country - for the most part - wont take import games, so the ones that do, have to sell them well below the norm.

May 20th, 2006, 00:48
i think that people who are going to be buying the PS3 partly for the Blu-Ray reader will be the ones pre-ordering. For the rest of us, there are price drops eventually...

May 20th, 2006, 02:53
Revol..., erm I meant: Wii, because:

Emulation, Controller, Nintendo, GameCube-Compatibility, Price