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View Full Version : NDS HELP~N00b Alert!

May 16th, 2006, 20:41
Hey Im going to sound like a complete nub:( but what exactly do i need to play GBA ROMs on a NDS Lite? The reason why I am so sonfised is because I've seen all those PassMe and super pass etc... But what exactly do i need? And is it worth it?

May 16th, 2006, 20:56
u need a flashcart or an sd adaptor.

something like the M3 SD adaptor or Supercard.

I don't think you need passkey to play gba roms.

May 17th, 2006, 00:01
Can you provide som links or somthing? That way I can just go there and know exactly what to buy. Oh yeh, what kinds of emulators can i play on the card, i was wondering if ther was ne way to play SNES emu's? I really want to be able to play EarthBound lol.

May 17th, 2006, 07:15
without a passkey or max media launcher etc. you will only be able to play emulators made for the gba with one of these, (only about £15) you can play backup roms and ds homebrew.

Go here http://www.divineo.com/cgi-bin/div-us/search.html

and get one of the m3 adaptors that's what i use.