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View Full Version : LCS Cheat Device Hacked to run on GEN B(Full) Firmware

September 25th, 2009, 11:34
I really wanted to stop using time mechine for fear it would ruin my PSP battery so I
Thought I would try to hack it to run on the firmware I,am currently running without
downgrading or emulating,So for 4 hours I hacked away at the PRX to see if I can get it
to run.It seems to be one byte that stops it from running on the newer firmwares so once
I found that out I changed it intell I got A okay result,here is the download for the PRX.:thumbup:
http://rapidshare.com/files/284746086/LCS_CheatDevice_v1.0g_For_Firmware_Edition_5.50_GE N-B_Full_.zip

Wow This has been spreading like wildfire!,but I also heard that some of you can,t
get it to work,I,am going to show how this edit was done,So that you can fix it when


open up A hex editor(I used HxD Hex Editor) find the value highlighted on the picture
and change it to 2A,thats it your done.You can try to change it to other values to get
diffrent results but 2A was the result to get it working but with flicker glitch.

Also Here is A log of my results.

Hex Result
- -------
15 vary glitchy starts twice no freeze
16 Not Tested.
17 vary glitchy starts twice no freeze
18 vary glitchy starts 3 times no freeze
19 vary glitchy starts twice no freeze
1A freeze
1B freeze
1C does not start
1D tradional non working number
1E works phase 1 but freezes during phase 2 forever
1F blink a moment then shuts down(the game is stable)
20 blink a moment then shuts down(the game is stable)
21 works phase 1 but during phase 2 frozen but cqan be restored with menu on.
22 freeze
23 blink a moment then freezes permanently
24 blink a moment then shuts down(the game is stable)
25 works phase 1 but ends the device as soon as you leave the menu(effect gravity stays).
26 works phase 1 but freezes during phase 2 forever
27 works phase 1 but freezes during phase 2 forever
28 works phase 1 but ends the device as soon as you leave the menu(effect gravity stays)
29 works phase 1 but ends the device as soon as you leave the menu.
2A works great 2a works with minor flickering glitch(the value used in the download)
2B Not Tested.
2C Not Tested.
2D Freezes
2E Not Tested.
2F Not Tested.