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View Full Version : Give me 5 good reasons I should drop $30 on a Gamecube BBA.

September 28th, 2009, 01:08
There's one at the Gamestop I work at and I covet it, but i'm afraid it'd be totally useless. Give me 5 reasons that this would be an awesome purchase.

September 28th, 2009, 03:02
1.) They're hard to find and pretty expensive. $30 for one isn't too bad.
2.) You can still play some Phantasy Star Online on an unofficial server with one.
3.) If you were to get the original Phantasy Star Online, then you could use that exploit and boot homebrew on your Cube.
4.) If you can run homebrew, you can run GCLinux and browse the web with it.
5.) I believe there's some method of playing Super Smash Bros. Melee online.

Those are some decent reasons. ;)

September 28th, 2009, 09:57
1) It's the only way to take the Cube online (http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/downloads/broadband_english.pdf).
2) There are still quite a few games running on dedicated servers (http://gamecube.onlineconsoles.com/phpBB2/servers.php).
3) Possibilities for running unsigned code (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_GameCube_Broadband_Adapter_and_Modem_Adap ter#Possibilities_for_running_unsigned_code).
4) $30 is cheap, you could easily sell it on in the near future for more (I've seen $85).
5) I wish I had one, because the Wii doesn't offer online GameCube functions.

Five semi-ok-ish reasons. :cool: