View Full Version : Entry to LUA Coding Comp.

May 17th, 2006, 18:05
Hi Wraggster,

Attached is my submission for the LUA Coding Comp. It is called Drug Lord. It is still very much a beta version and there are several issues that need ironing out but it is playable. I have tested it on PSP 2.01 Lua 0.16.



Use the Left and Right Shoulder Buttons to 'Tab' around the screen
(up,down,left and right work as well when applicable)
X will 'Click' the highlighted widget

Where lists are displayed the left or right arrow key will select the appropriate list
Pressing X on a list will execute the list action
(eg. if the market list is selected X will fire the buy option).
Some buttons will have a button marker on them, these can be clicked by pressing the
appropriate button, regardless of what widget has focus.

Entering Numerical Values

The 'Integer Spinner' is used to enter numerical values.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to select the spin value,the right and left arrow
keys add and remove the spin value from the value you are entering
eg.: to enter value 45
Use the Up Arrow to select 4, then press Left Arrow to add it - value 4
Use the Up Arrow to select 5, then press Left Arrow to add it - value 45

May 20th, 2006, 02:07