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View Full Version : Nintendo Confirms Wii on GC Housing at E3

May 19th, 2006, 23:16
via slashdot (http://games.slashdot.org/games/06/05/19/2047206.shtml)

Nintendo's PR Manager, Matt Atwood, has confirmed accusations that Wii demo stations at E3 were not running inside the Wii case and instead were running inside Gamecube housing using Wii-spec hardware. 'The Wii hardware we exhibited at E3 2006 was made specifically for the E3 show and is not the final mass-production version. Some of this hardware was cased in Nintendo GameCube housing.'

May 21st, 2006, 02:36
does that mean it was in a gamecube case, or used the same marerial as the gamecube cases? :confused: