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View Full Version : DCEmu World Wide Prize Giveaway, Sponsored by GameYeeeah.com

October 5th, 2009, 21:39

DCEmu (http://www.dcemu.co.uk) and GameYeeeah.com (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/?ref=297) have teamed up, to give away 10 great prizes to 10 Lucky DCEmu readers. And the good news is This contest is open to everyone World Wide!*

HDMI Cable for PS3 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/hdmi-cable-for-ps3-p-1388.html?ref=297)
Memory Card Adapter for PS3/PS2 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/memory-card-adapter-for-ps3ps2-p-1381.html?ref=297)
Wii Lan Adapter for Nintendo Wii (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/wii-lan-adapter-for-nintendo-wii-p-743.html?ref=297)
Wii Component Cable for Nintendo Wii console (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/wii-component-cable-for-nintendo-wii-console-p-848.html?ref=297)
Dual Wii Remote Charger with 1800mAh Battery Pack (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/dual-wii-remote-charger-with-1800mah-battery-pack-p-305.html?ref=297)
Replacement Case for Nintendo DS Lite (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/replacement-case-for-nintendo-ds-lite-p-1248.html?ref=297)
Fashionable Waist Bag for PSP 2000 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/fashionable-waist-bag-for-psp-2000-p-1074.html?ref=297)
Blackhorns Charger Station for PSP 2000 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/blackhorns-charger-station-for-psp-2000-p-970.html?ref=297)
1Emergency Battery Charger for PSP2000 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/1emergency-battery-charger-for-psp2000-p-1091.html?ref=297)
5 in 1 Crystal Case for PSP 2000 Btton Kit for PSP 2000 (http://www.gameyeeeah.com/in-crystal-case-for-psp-2000-btton-kit-for-psp-2000-p-943.html?ref=297)

First prizes winner get first pick, second get the next choice untill the final winner (10th) gets what ever prize is left.

How do I enter such a wonderful contest, I hear you ask. Simple. To enter this contest all you have to do is to post a reply to this news post and answer the following question:

Which Video Game Most Enriched Your Summer Holidays and Why?

You may only post your answer once, and duplicate entries will be disqualified from the contest, If you want to reply but have already entered the contest post "THIS IS NOT AN CONTEST ENTRY" at the start of the post .

This contest will close on Saturday the 31th of October 2009.

Winners will be chosen randomly from qualified posts and contacted via PM on the DCEmu forums and E-mail. If a winner does not respond within a week a new winner will be picked at random from the other entrants. No purchase necessary. One online entry per person (one e-mail address per person/address). Entry constitutes agreement by winners to be publicized and permission to use each winner's name for the purposes of promotion of the Contest without further compensation. Contest void where prohibited. Odds of winning dependent on number of entrants. No alternative prize will be offered. We reserve the right to issue an alternative prize of the same value should the prize no longer be available

*Contest void where prohibited

October 5th, 2009, 21:54
The game the most enriched my summer holidays was probably Call of Duty 4. I played that non stop some days for hours on end.

October 5th, 2009, 22:19
the video game that enriched my summer was zelda twilight princess played it everyday until i completed it

October 5th, 2009, 22:45
Well, for me it was TekkenDR. Nothing like having the buddies over for some good trash talking. I didn't play online as much this summer, honestly the lag was irritating. Don't have to worry about that when playing in person.

October 5th, 2009, 22:53
For me it was Garry's Mod. My college friends would all join one server and just Build Build Build, it was a great way of socialising in between each others job times.

beetroot bertie
October 5th, 2009, 23:38

Probably Super Probotector: Alien Wars on the SNES. I was lucky enough to borrow a SNES from a school mate who was going abroad for a year. That game was ace. He also had Legend Of The Mystical Ninja which was also awesome.

October 5th, 2009, 23:59
Probably dead rising, its a really well made game and trying to rescue everyone in that mall is intense.

October 6th, 2009, 00:11
The game that most enriched my summer was Gears of War 2, because I was looking for a good shooter and my prayers got an answer in the form of Gears 2 wich is simply amazing

October 6th, 2009, 00:19
The game that enriched my summer most is "The World Ends With You" on the Nintendo DS. I'd played it previously but played it again whilst I was staying in Tokyo. I stopped in Shibuya for a bit to find some of the sights from the game, including Hachiko. It's an excellent game.

October 6th, 2009, 01:24
Bioshock really opened my summer to an amazing creative story and experiance.I was shocked and awed throughout the summer with the quality and brillance which is Bioshock,When i finished i even bought the challange rooms :), Now, Would'ya Kindly consider my entry ;)

October 6th, 2009, 01:29
Hot Shots Golf for PSP.

I came into some money and figured I'd check out the PSP knowing almost nothing about it prior. All my gaming the past few years has just been on the PC and even then sparse. Got a used PSP that came with a few games and got seriously hooked on Hot Shots...

Some custom firmware and homebrew later and I haven't looked back since (though I've kicked myself a few times for waiting so long to get a PSP).

October 6th, 2009, 01:45
To me KZ2 When I actually got to play I was amazed and the Multiplayer = Epic besides that a lot of CoD W@W because a lot of my friends own it and to me best portible has to be by far Syphon Filter Logan Shadow I got the iso and I thought it was both awsome in the mutiplayer and single player aspect but still KZ2 was my most played during summer trying to get the Scout(Sniper) Class and M4 magnum was well worth it.

October 6th, 2009, 02:03
Monster hunter Freedom Unite PSP, Me and some friends would always meet up and Beat the hell out of some Tigrex lol

October 6th, 2009, 02:41
Rockband 2, I finally got my hands on it in May and loved every minute of it great song choices and DLC, and since the PS3 has a crappy amount of games on it made the console 10x better.

October 6th, 2009, 05:47
The game that enriched my Summer was Silent Hill Homecoming. What a brilliant game to play. I played the downloadable Steam PC version in the US as the game was not available to buy on physical media here only in the UK or in the US on Xbox 360. I love these horror games and Silent Hill is top notch. I also enjoyed Silent Hill Origins although it was a little on the short side. These games are a blast to play and really well balanced between the action and puzzles.

October 6th, 2009, 06:34
The game that enriched my summer most is "The World Ends With You" on the Nintendo DS. I'd played it previously but played it again whilst I was staying in Tokyo. I stopped in Shibuya for a bit to find some of the sights from the game, including Hachiko. It's an excellent game.

:thumbup:great game inded, but if you were in tokio I guess you know some japanese why didnt you play subarashiki kono senkai o its such a wonderfull world instead;)

October 6th, 2009, 06:46
well the game that enriched my summer most is "the legent of zelda oracle of age" gbc I start it cause it s one of the 3 zelda games I havet finished yet and is giving me hell! I have not ever get lost so many times in another zelda game but I am confident I will finish it soon, by the way oracle of seasons is one of the others so I am specting the same treatment

October 6th, 2009, 09:50
Quake live,what can i say? It's just,perfect :D

October 6th, 2009, 11:38
I have to say it will be Aquanauts Holiday, this is such a relaxing game. Especially after work you can enjoy a peaceful and adventurous journey in the sea ;)

October 6th, 2009, 23:25
For me the game that enriched my summer is Powerstone 2! I only discovered this utter gem just before summer and me and my 3 mates have played it every weekend since!

Nothing beats a Friday/Saturday night in with 3 mates, a few beers and a chilli and Powerstone 2 (and a DC obviously:cool:). We always play so we all play as random characters everytime and a random level, we have so many laughs on this game!!

(last weekend after we'd finished a game, my mate actually turned to me and said 'what game thats been released on the PS3 or 360 can you have this much fun on' - just had to add that as I think them kind of comments sum the DC up!)

October 6th, 2009, 23:37
It was Shenmue 2 on Xbox.. I played original on DC and been meaning for years to continue the story but i'm a very casual gamer and really need to plan before i get into a big game, but was definately worth it.

October 7th, 2009, 02:29
The must awesome game I played this summer was Call of duty world at war, man that game was awesome.

October 7th, 2009, 05:22
Grand Theft Auto 4 was my game. The GTA games of recent have found the perfect balance between telling a story cinematically, while keeping the player involved enough to work for more story. The ending was satisfying, and now it's time to work on the completion percentage :]

October 7th, 2009, 06:58
My most favorite summer game is definitely Final Fantasy 8. I have played it since summer of 2000. God I loved that game. It was so much different then all the other FF games it was never boring. Plus there where so many side quests and so many dimensions of game play that you could literally spend weeks playing at a time.
Plus popstation revived it from my closet last year so now i can play it anywhere.

October 7th, 2009, 10:15
My TV broke down, so I didn't get much gaming done in the summer, which was nice actually. But the one game that sticks out in my mind once I got a new T V is Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2 for the Dreamcast. It's great fun, especially with a friend.

October 7th, 2009, 18:01
i was waiting for dissidia but super robot wars taisen a portable was the one that keep me playing my psp!

October 7th, 2009, 19:41
halo 1 + 2 because they were good fun. easy to play in small chunks

October 8th, 2009, 18:32
The game i played most this summer was Battlefield 2 on PC.
I had bought it last year for $10, and then this summer just really got into it again. It helped me deal with my roommate, who's a bit of an idiot.

User Name
October 8th, 2009, 18:52
Luminous Arc 2 for Nds hands down was it. The characters the story plot and the drawings were awesome. It was also sad and heart warming it had everything to make a great summer worth the while.

October 12th, 2009, 23:58
The game that really brought my summer alive was not actually one you can buy -- it was Neotokyo, the HL2 mod that really brings a new level of "Woah cooool" to PC gaming for me :)

October 14th, 2009, 13:13
for me it was call of duty 4 modern warfare

October 17th, 2009, 13:10
Well for me it was PSP Bomberman, a long time fav.

Cool avatar.. Denham Reynom rocks.. I remember the exact shot at the funeral :D

October 26th, 2009, 12:19
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion for me because instead of having an annoying Summer with my family bothering me (Especially my brother!) I just relaxed and went into the world of Oblivion! (lol.)

October 26th, 2009, 13:50
It was tremulous. Im sure you dont know this game but its something like counterstrike but with alliens and ability to build stuff like swaps, armorys and so.... I really enjoyed playing it with my friend...

October 26th, 2009, 15:07
Which Video Game Most Enriched Your Summer Holidays and Why?

Wel i would have to say Call of Duty World At War but there are so many more but this one is realy good too so far i would say this is the best game i have played this summer and when i compleasde campagin mode there was still online which never ended which i thaught was cool becasue the game is almost impossible to compleate 100% so thier is allways something to do this game is the greatest game ever that i have had played and would be greater if i could play online with a Wii Lan Adapter for Nintendo Wii becasue my router is crappy but i can still play online pretty good laggs from time ti time but dont play the game its my crappy router thats why i hope i can win and get the direct internet hook up insted of buying one well still eaither way this game is the awsome and i mean awsome to the MAX only one downside wii version dosent have natzi zombies or cant get map packs but the game play is way more fun on the wii than ps3 becasue like useing real gun OMG yes so much fun and i reccomed many people to get this for thier wii thanks for listening and anyone wanna send me thier friend code for wii email me it and ill reply back with mine my email is [email protected] just name the email Friend Code or Wii Code idk something like that thanks only because i did a bunch of survaus for free G coins on ijji before i played and get tons of spam email thats y thanks for listening one last time

October 26th, 2009, 16:03
this summer i was in Nanning,China(for one more time)and visiting the arcade shops every day for 4-5 hours.
the game i was playing all these days there was King of Fighters 2002 because the challenge from the local players there was tremendous and make you feel really addictive

October 26th, 2009, 17:45
the video game that enriched my summer was Kingdom hearts 358/2 (DS) playing it everyday until I completed it

October 26th, 2009, 18:15
the video game that enriched my summer had to be anno 1404, couldn't stop playing it, it's so addictive!

October 27th, 2009, 11:41
Resident Evil 5, specifically The Mercenaries mini game. I found it incredibly fun and challenging to reach the top of the Leader Boards. The highest I've managed to get in any level or mode was 30th place in Experimental Facility duo.

October 27th, 2009, 16:32
my favorite is NFL STREET3 I would play every day during summer becuse it was so cool

October 31st, 2009, 00:27
I suppose I'd have to say......Final Fantasy VII. It's one of my favourite games.

October 31st, 2009, 14:33
I would have to say GTA IV... Niko Bellic all the way!

October 31st, 2009, 17:33
Playing trials HD, erm yea map making and shareing is the future i belive and i spend many hours on it, Shadowcomplex deserves a mention.


October 31st, 2009, 19:15
Call of duty world at war!!....The game its very good with awesome battles and war scenes!!

October 31st, 2009, 21:23
I discovered the awesomeness of the Half Life games. So I spent my summer playing the whole series from the original to Half Life 2 Episode 2.

October 31st, 2009, 22:39
Metal Gear Solid 4, the anticipation of getting it hyped me up loads and I got a PS3 the same day, overall it kept me going the entire holiday re-playing it over and over to get everything from it XD

November 1st, 2009, 02:47
I would have to say Call Of Duty 4 Modern Warfare. It sets the standard of FPS games, whether from Single Player to Multiplayer. Overall, It was one of the best FPS that I have ever played.

November 1st, 2009, 13:36
Contest closed