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View Full Version : PSP-Doom 0.5 save not working

May 20th, 2006, 23:51
I'm on firmware 2.01 eLoader .97 and I can't save a game in Doom 0.5. I try to save through the menu and it says that the game was saved but when I go to load it the list is empty. I created a save folder since there wasn't one but still nothing. What am I missing?!

May 20th, 2006, 23:56
Ive heard its possible but noone has been able to explain for me yet. Someone help this guy...

May 22nd, 2006, 19:40
I've been playing around with this recently. It seems the save function works fine for me if i'm playing with the Doom2 wads. But using the other wads (like Doom 1 for example) i have the same problem. It says its saved, but the load game screen is empty.

Maybe we'll have to go back to renaming all the wads to Doom2? Dunno, just a suggestion.

Brilliant port though. Doom is perfect for the psp (once you get used to the nub :) ) and it still plays superbly even to this day.

May 26th, 2006, 03:08
Well, you're better off than me cuz I can't save with either wad. Wonder what the difference is. Anyone else able to save on 2.01 firmware with eloader .97?

May 28th, 2006, 17:05
i started a thred like this in the psp help form

i wan't to save too, please help!!!