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View Full Version : Stuff Magazine calls Loco Roco the best PSP game ever!

May 21st, 2006, 17:20
News via PSPFanboy (http://www.pspfanboy.com/)

Journalistic standard-bearer, Stuff Magazine, is lauding much praise upon the upcoming PSP release, Loco Roco.

"After a couple of days playing on a near finished version, the Stuff team is unanimous that it's the most addictive, original and playable game we've played yet on the handheld console. It could also help the PSP fight off stiff competition from the DS Lite's recent rash of quality titles."

One-part Super Monkey Ball and one-part Archer McLean's Mercury, Loco Roco certainly does seem to be more up Nintendo's ally than Sony's. But perhaps this is a game that will open up the PSP to a wider demographic. I know I'm going to give it a shot. If it's as addictive as all the previews are leading us to believe, then the PSP may have another much-needed winner on its hands.

May 21st, 2006, 17:23
From what i've seen it doesn't warrant upgrading to 2.7 with all the homebrew thats currently in the pipeline.