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View Full Version : Contacts 0.8

May 24th, 2006, 11:50
Contacts (http://www.campredon.net/psp/index.php?para=1&title=1) in an application which allows you to manage your contacts on the go.

What can Contacts do:
- Manage your contactsd using a vcf file layout (vCard)
- Read vcf files exported from Email clients like Outlook, Thunderbird, etc.. , from cellphone, from PDA, etc...
- Export vcf files so you can import them in the above listed applications
- Modify or create contacts on the go with your Psp
- You can create your own theme for the application

The available fields are:
- Display Name
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Title
- Home Phone
- Work Phone
- Home Fax
- Cellphone
- Address (Street, extended address, PO Box, City, Zip code, Province, Country)
- Email

Any kind of feedback is welcome, send an email to this address: cancangm (at) gmail.com



contacts.zip (http://www.campredon.net/psp/psp/contacts/contacts.zip) for luaplayer
contacts15.zip (http://www.campredon.net/psp/psp/contacts/contacts15.zip) for standalone 1.50 version
contacts10.zip (http://www.campredon.net/psp/psp/contacts/contacts10.zip) for standalone 1.00 version (can also be used with the Eloader on version 2.x)
All are containing the application and two themes


Start: Exit the program in LuaPlayer version
Home: Exit the application in standalone application

You can see in each screen the available commands and their function

Upgrade from previous version

Overwite the directories with the new ones.

Changelogs in v0.8

- Change keyboard to Danzeff OSK
- Better GUI
- Code cleanup and use of my standards functions and classes

May 24th, 2006, 12:02
nice job has a nice GUI

May 24th, 2006, 12:04
Niiceee :)

Would be even better if it had password protection :)

May 24th, 2006, 12:57
now i can use my 6600 contacts on my PSP xD.

May 24th, 2006, 15:13
Nice app
but it's not very good for 2.1+ users since you would have to wait for gta to load up.

May 24th, 2006, 15:18
At the homepage it's impossible to know what you guys are talking about. I mean, nice, it's a software that does X things, but what system for? PSP, DS, GBA???

I really suggest you guys put some info more on homepage, like the path from the forums (PSP News Forum > Contacts 0,8 would be a good start).


May 25th, 2006, 00:36
this is great now i can have my contacts on ma psp