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View Full Version : MegaDrive PlayTV Released

September 3rd, 2004, 10:08
Sega have finally released a new bit of hardware but curiously its a Megadrive Controller unit, heres the full info from Lik Sang (http://www.lik-sang.com/info.php?products_id=4273&lsaid=219793) [br][br] Meet the Mega Drive PlayTV! Imitating the original look of the Mega Drive/Genesis, the system made by Sega Toys comes with six 16 bit games and connects directly to your TV. The controller of the unit shows a shiny 16 BIT POWER logo and looks damn good.[br][br]The six built-in games are Sonic the Hedgehog, King of Monster, Golden Axe, Puyo Puyo, Kid Chameleon and Flicky. Once voted the World's Most Popular Computer Game, Sonic the Hedgehog was designed as Sega's answer to Nintendo's mascot Mario and was largely responsible for the success of the Mega Drive. Some of you might still remember King of Monster as one of the first games where you just walk over Tokyo's buildings like they are not there. Golden Axe is the classic medieval swordfighting arcade beat-em-up. Kid Chameleon is known as the sideways platform game featuring the hero with a split-personality. Puyo Puyo is Sega's famous puzzle game (that they release for every system existing on earth). Flicky is strangely addictive. The object is to collect all of the little chicks on the map while avoiding cats and lizards, or Iggys, as the game likes to call them. [br][br]For more information click the link above

September 3rd, 2004, 18:03
Uhmmm, this has been at fine outlets like Wal-Mart for about 3 months in the U.S....

September 3rd, 2004, 18:18

first ive seen online about it

September 3rd, 2004, 19:34
Uhmmm, this has been at fine outlets like Wal-Mart for about 3 months in the U.S....

Yup, there's also the atari, activision, namco, spongebob, and one I'm not remebering.. they make for great bithday presents to us older folk!

September 3rd, 2004, 21:43
Gamestop.com sells a similar unit for a lot less.


The units look similar to each other, with some differences in available games. The description on the Gamestop's site is obviously wrong though. It says it has only five games, but the box clearly says six. It appears they left out Flicky, which you can see printed on the box. The inclusion of Vectorman and Phantasy Star probably give it the edge over the Lik-Sang unit, though that's obviously a matter of preference.


September 3rd, 2004, 21:49
Hey Kamjin do they have them down here in Canada cause if so i am buying that thing

September 4th, 2004, 03:21
if there was a way of running homebrew on the device it would go up majorly in my eyes

September 4th, 2004, 08:00
Hey Kamjin do they have them down here in Canada cause if so i am buying that thing

Haven't seen the genesis one here yet, just stateside. but all the others I've picked up at walmart, or zellers in the cheapie bins.

if there was a way of running homebrew on the device it would go up majorly in my eyes

Not easily.. that's the first thing I did when I bought them.. open the up ;D and see it there an easy way to swap out an eeprom, unfortunatly in most cases there's just 1 chip under an epoxy blob.

September 6th, 2004, 14:00
I'd want a cartridge port installed on it. ;)