View Full Version : Have You Ever Given A GameAway?

October 17th, 2009, 15:56
ere's how it works: We ask a question, you answer it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some marketing survey or whatever. It's an emotional investment in you. Yes, we're interested in knowing you, reader person.

You probably know oodles about us - more than you even want to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to know about you. That way you won't be some faceless blob - and we might feel a tinge of guilt when we ban ya. Or not, because really we're incapable of human emotion.

Question: Have you ever given a game away? If so, what game and why, why, why?


October 17th, 2009, 17:11
Apart from some old tape and floppy games i stuck in a box and gave to charity, i bought Wing Commander IV about 10 years ago but really didn't like it, i was so pissed off i just wasted £20 i just gave it to my brother.

October 17th, 2009, 17:26
I give PC programs and games away all the time to my clients. I am a computer consultant and I love to give my clients extra programs when I fix their computers or have to reinstall them. I have given away everything from Microsoft Office and Publisher to Hoyle Card Games and Fishing Games. I have given away Big Game Hunting, Virtual Pool 3, Trophy Bass 3D, Need For Speed 2, and Print Shop, to name a few. I have probably given away over 100 full version original cd's/dvd's over the years to clients for such things as Cybercafe's etc. I don't charge them for them at all and they like the extras I provide. I have given away a lot of gamepads and mice as well as keyboards.

To some friends of mine in Montana I gave a full Playstation 1 on their son's 16 birthday with 25 games.

October 18th, 2009, 05:29
I gave legend of dragoon to a friend, kind of came to regret it after learning that the slim ps3 actually WAS compatable with ps1 games

October 18th, 2009, 09:23
I gave away Saints Row as I thought it was the worst thing I had ever seen on my 360 and did not want to see it again.

October 18th, 2009, 12:14
to be honest i have never given a game away .. but im always taking games off other peoples hands ... the best game i got was maybe megaman 2 for gb .. :p ...lol that game was hard as... but ive been given moh: airborne, splinter cell:double agent... (they didnt run on my mates computer very well... they didnt work on mine AT ALL! lol) ... umm. also metal gear solid 1, ridge racer type 4, evil dead: hail to the kind, burnout revenge...... thats all i can think of at the moment

October 18th, 2009, 13:27
gave away a ps3 to my brother with little big planet cause he wanted that game so bad

October 18th, 2009, 21:59
Ive given away Lots of games xD, like ps1 and ps2 games that i beat 100% and arent worth selling, i give to friends who havent played it. Atleast that way its not taking up space in my place, and i know the game has a good home xD

October 19th, 2009, 15:21
After I feel I've gotten my money's worth of playtime in (cleared out the game to the point that it isn't fun to replay), I give them away to people that I think will have as much fun with it as I did.