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View Full Version : EmuSMS v1.0 and EmuGG v1.0 released! (Game Gear and Master System Emus for PSP)

May 27th, 2006, 19:47

Here is a port of SMSplus of Charles Mac Donald.
I splitted the emulation for the SMS and the Game Gear.

Don't think that I am a fast programmer!
It was indeed eqsy to re-compile the code for the PSP but all the honnor should go to the original programmers of those great emulators!

By default scaling is disabled but by editing the options.cfg file you can change the frame skip, disable vsync and change the scaling factor.
Scaling=1 scales normally.
Scaling=2 will create scanlines
Scaling is quite poor but ok...

Still same crappy UI for the roms selection...

I hope you will enjoy!

-- Consolius --

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May 27th, 2006, 20:47
Do you sleep :)

excellent work

May 27th, 2006, 20:52
ok i thick shouldnt there be 2 folders in the psp/game folder..??

May 27th, 2006, 21:23
nice. :)

May 27th, 2006, 21:48
Does this run any better than SMSplus?

May 27th, 2006, 22:26
hope it works on 2.0+

May 27th, 2006, 22:48
Does the emu have save support?

Mailas Gonrai
May 27th, 2006, 22:54
Can I have permission to have it be hosted on my site?

May 28th, 2006, 00:40
wow, wicked sweet! I'v been waiting for over a year for a working sms emulator :P

well one that works with quality sound anyway :D

May 28th, 2006, 01:24
nice one ! keep up the good work man ! :)

May 28th, 2006, 05:43
is it possible to get sega master system sound to work properly? because every sms emu that has been released has had audio problems... and why?

May 28th, 2006, 10:26
great to see smsplus on psp :)

May 28th, 2006, 13:00
Great work man!

May 28th, 2006, 17:03
This probably has the best sound of any SMS emulators,
just make a better GUI, make it faster, add features and it will be perfect. =P

May 29th, 2006, 01:00
Runs off to test it.

*Now runs back and rants about things*
1. Best sound ever heard of any SMS emulator
2. GUI isnt that important but that will do for now
3. What is with the eboot name?
4. I like the analog stick support (Seeing yoshihiro didnt know how to pinch it :P)
5. We need full screen support
6. Maybe bundle GG and SMS into one (Im assuming ur going to do this later, no real point having them separate as the GG only has a few roms and the emus are both the same size (Zipped)
7. Perhaps Adhoc support :P

Above all very good emu! I have been waiting for months for something with better sound support. Im interested in seeing how you got the sound working, driving me nuts.

May 29th, 2006, 01:23
Does the emu have save support or not?

May 29th, 2006, 02:04
Im not assuming so

May 29th, 2006, 04:11
what extension do the roms have to be?
mine are .gg and dont work

May 29th, 2006, 06:51

get the gamegear version

May 29th, 2006, 20:10
great work your good i think you should try your luck on gba we all need it thats the only emu i want to see at full speed hey zx-81 you should try it to your both exellent coders

May 29th, 2006, 20:45
great work your good i think you should try your luck on gba we all need it thats the only emu i want to see at full speed hey zx-81 you should try it to your both exellent coders

GBA emulator on PSP is a hard task, because when you write an emulator, you need between 25 and 50x time the speed of the original hardware. In a GBA, the processor is running at 16Mhz, so you need a > 400Mhz ... On your PSP, you've got 333Mhz :(

May 29th, 2006, 20:47
Well a N64 emu is being made and is doing great. Maby the GBA needs something that the N64 doesent making it hard to emulate.

May 30th, 2006, 05:57
GBA emulator on PSP is a hard task, because when you write an emulator, you need between 25 and 50x time the speed of the original hardware. In a GBA, the processor is running at 16Mhz, so you need a > 400Mhz ... On your PSP, you've got 333Mhz :(

Not that I know anything about coding...but according to your suggestions of 25 to 50x processing it would put the ps1 at needing 846.5Mhz (25x) to 1693 Mhz (50x) to emulate...
and the SNES at 89.5mhz (25x) to 179mhz (50x)
While Neo Geo's Motorola only would be 300Mhz(25x) to 600Mhx (50x)

I can't believe thats the main factor as to making an emu work....Seeing as how the N64 is partially working, The SNES is mostly working..The Neo Geo works near perfect and the PS1 is supposed to be emulated (even if not full on power)...

Yeah that would bring the GBA in at around 419Mhz (25x) and 839 (50x)
I would assume it COULD be possible...at least at current SNES emu speeds? But my guess it's it's more than just processor speed we are talking about here....
Maybe at least we may someday have a GBA emu that will be playable on games that don't push the hardware fully?

Time will tell, one thing I've seen here is don't count anything out as these are some of the most brilliant "hobbiests" I have ever seen! I can only imagine what will happen if the Firmware Chip mod is real.
Someone will find a way to sneak more power from the media processor or something...we got massive brains on our side here people! thats why we need to thank them more and Sony has to keep patching holes:D

May 30th, 2006, 06:05
Yes you are right proccessing speed is not everything.

May 30th, 2006, 07:33
well the GBA has a 32-bit 16.8 mhz ARM processor (based on a RISC processor, because its easyer for a RISC processor to understand C based programming code)
as well as an 8.4 mhz processor based on the Z-80 processor used in earlyer systems.. (used only for GameBoy and Gameboy color emulation, and only 1 processor can be used at a time)

where-as the Snes uses a 16-bit processor capable of speeds of 1.79, 2.68 and 3.58 mhz (much slower)

in summation to this point, I dont beleave that the GBA will be emulated properly for some time, just on general principle that the processing demand is just to high for the system trying to run it (even my PC running at 2 ghz has some problems running a few GBA games at full speed....

as for the SMS emulation, I'd still like to know why there isnt perfect sound emulation.. I tried to play Y's and the sound is very garbled, and has some static to it.. I just wondered if there was any reason that the sound hasnt ever been perfect..
I will admit though, this emu does have the best quality sound of any other psp sms emulators, just wondered why even the snes emulator has perfect sound, and the lower quality sms doesent...
(is it because it uses a pre-programmed sound frequency audio system? for instance, the sounds are much like MIDI, the game tells the system what chanel to play, and what frequency (eccept in the case of the effects chanel))

also, the GG and SMS are the same exact system, why has the emulator been split at all? the accual SMS system will play GG games, and the GG system wll play SMS games with nothing more then a pin change and adaptation.

May 31st, 2006, 13:12
great job- reminds me when i used to be small and i had a game gear

June 5th, 2006, 01:31
can anyone explain to me how do i load it on 1.5? it has only one "emusms" folder. how can i make two?

June 24th, 2006, 15:20
How the heck do you install the EMUGG on 1.5 PSP with only 1 PSP folder???

July 15th, 2006, 00:01
i get the image and then my psp freze, can anyone help me?

agent xeno
October 4th, 2007, 18:50
Does it work on a 2.0+ firmwire or just a 1.5? ( I noticed in the read me file it was tested on a 2.5) Also, Lets say it does run on 2.6, when using SEI PSP Tool, before you push the generate button , a little window pops up and has you choose between 1.0 or 1.5 . Is there another PSP tool that knows 2.6?

October 4th, 2007, 22:24
Not that I know anything about coding...but according to your suggestions of 25 to 50x processing it would put the ps1 at needing 846.5Mhz (25x) to 1693 Mhz (50x) to emulate...

The Pops programs aren't emulators. the PSP has similar enough hardware to the PS1 that it's basically native.