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View Full Version : Elf2bin problem

May 29th, 2006, 14:09
Hi everybody,

I try to convert a .elf file i have made and i use (it works on DC with the cable) in a .bin file to make an autoboot CD.

I try several elf2bin tools but errors occur :

BFD: Warning: Writing section `.text' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8bfe00
BFD: Warning: Writing section `.rodata' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8c04
BFD: Warning: Writing section `.data' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8c070a
BFD: Warning: Writing section `.eh_frame' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8c
BFD: Warning: Writing section `.ctors' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8c076
BFD: Warning: Writing section `.dtors' to huge (ie negative) file offset 0x8c076
/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/TEMP/elf2bin_tmp/sh-elf-objcopy: test.bin: File truncated
ELF2BI.EXE: Conversion of test.elf to test.bin completed.

Anyone could help me please ?

thank you

May 30th, 2006, 00:21
Try 1st_read.bin checker (http://www.consolevision.com/members/fackue/?My_Projects:1st_read.bin_file_checker) as in contains extra parameters for the extact problem you're getting.

May 30th, 2006, 17:59
Thanks !

May 30th, 2006, 19:53
Yes it's depends of your binutils version. If you want to put the conversion in your makefiles, you can do this (Does your tool support commands line Fakue ? If yes ignore the next of this message) :

To know the version of your binutils type sh-elf-objcopy -v.

If your version is 2.13 or minor, use the command : sh-elf-objcopy -O binary myproggy.elf myproggy.bin

For 2.14 the command is : sh-elf-objcopy -S -R .stack -O binary myproggy.elf myproggy.bin

June 8th, 2006, 22:11
My tool add -R .stack... though I don't remember using -S. It didn't seem to have problems... what's -S for?

June 19th, 2006, 12:54
My tool add -R .stack... though I don't remember using -S. It didn't seem to have problems... what's -S for?
Don't know :D

Erwan wrote it in his Wiki.

PS : I updated my Elf2bin (http://sbibuilder.dc-france.com/index.php?mod=archives&ac=voir&id=81) proggy too.