View Full Version : How would you change Sony's PSP Go?

October 25th, 2009, 07:57

Sony's PSP Go hasn't had the warmest reception of all time or anything, but does it really deserve all the negative vibes being flung its way? The UMD-less console leaked way earlier than Sony intended, but after a proper launch and you inevitably trekking out to snag one, we're curious to know whether or not you're enjoying things. Would you have kept UMD support? Would you have added more internal memory? Enlarged the screen? Offered it in neon yellow? Be sure to spill your thoughts in comments below, and you'll get a few bonus points if you're coming from the world of an original PSP. Promise!


October 25th, 2009, 08:30
Lets see... Normally I should add a UMD driver and second analog stick.

If I cann't change the Hardware of the Program I would offer the ability to rip your existing umd game into the Go, one way or the other. That was the original plan for it anyway...

October 25th, 2009, 14:24
I would make it a brand new console, like a PSP2. That way, it could possibly get away with a high price tag as well as digital download. All it seems to be at the moment is just another shell for the PSP with limitations.

If it was a new handheld, then I'd bring a lot more features from the "Big Consoles" and shrink it down for a handheld. For example, Online Multiplayer would be a great feature to add, especially if it was designed for a lot of games. Also maybe bringing back some old features like Local Co-Op, I mean, who remembers the good old days of the Gameboy Link cable. ;) But using Wireless technology instead.

I'd also look for indie development support by supplying developers with a free downloadable SDK, which they are able to create games for free as long as they distribute for free.

Anyone caught pirating games or making illegal homebrew will be first warned but if it continues then they will be banded from all internet access from their handheld.

I'd also make sure that hardware is easily replaceable since then there would be a "DIY" approach to repairing. Battery wearing out? Just buy a new one. Simple.

Just a few ideas thrown in there.

October 25th, 2009, 15:04
How would you change Sony's PSP Go?

Completly re-design it, ad second nub, better d-pad etc.

Make the price much more realistic for what it is. lol

October 25th, 2009, 16:09
I would just add a way to transfer games that you own to it and go back to a standard USB connection.

October 25th, 2009, 16:53
I would do the following:

Add a touch screen, therefore justifying the current design

Add higher RAM and CPU speeds, so it can outshine the IPhone in performance or match it

Add third party support for free apps and stuff downloadable through the Playstation Store. Leads to features galore.

Masnufacture a keyboard attachment for the GO, thereby allowing people to use it as a PDA.

Since the PSP 1000 and 2000 are easily fixed, add the ability to replace parts with a DIY approach, no more scratched faceplates or damaged controls, just swap a new one in there.

And above all, even if it adds a few millimetres of bulk, keep the UMD support, not everybody wants to download games from an online store due to internet security (or lack thereof).

October 25th, 2009, 17:20
Give it to Microsoft and they'll do a better job.

October 25th, 2009, 17:53
Give it to Microsoft and they'll do a better job.
Cool trolling bro!

UMD driver or something to convert your UMD games to it.

October 25th, 2009, 18:04
when this thing will be pirated,people will start loving it :)

October 25th, 2009, 18:29
Cool trolling bro!

UMD driver or something to convert your UMD games to it.

Hey it's true though, Sony makes good hardware and i'd always prefer to keep their products in the long term, but compared to the competition they do a piss poor job of running a gaming platform since Psp and Ps3, if they stop telling us what we want and compromise a bit with what we want they'd make more money and gamers would be happier.

October 25th, 2009, 19:40
Even though Sony's crazy marketing strategies are extremely unappealing to us gamers, since when have Microsoft made a successful handheld gaming device?

October 25th, 2009, 19:59
Second analog stick, touchscreen, better D-pad

Adding hackable would be too much to ask, but awesome

edit: I believe that, if they add all this, it would actually kill everything else in the market

October 26th, 2009, 01:20
Even though Sony's crazy marketing strategies are extremely unappealing to us gamers, since when have Microsoft made a successful handheld gaming device?

Yeah but Sony's on it's 5th or 10th console if you count slim versions, they did well on Ps1 and Ps2 but when they got some genuine competition from MS and Nintendo things just went downhill and showed they just not that good at running a gaming platform when they don't have automatic market dominance, and Xbox 1 struggled because Ps2 was there and people just weren't sure about them, but 360 is doing well because MS is mainly a software developer so is better all around with gaming.

October 26th, 2009, 04:28
- Touchscreen (single-touch, for multimedia, not for games)
- Online registration and transfer system for UMDs, so you don't have to re-buy the games you bought from different regions

October 26th, 2009, 23:51
For the PSP Go, I would improve on it by adding:

OLED Multi-Touch Screen 720p, same size as the regular PSP
Faster Processors and more RAM for upgraded PSP GO only game to justify me buying it.
2nd Analog Stick
Built In Camera
No M2, stay with MS Pro Duo
32GB model option
802.11g/n Wifi Capabilities
Bluetooth PAN (Personal Area Network) Bluetooth tethering along with the built in Bluetooth DUN (Dial Up Network) so I can tether to 3G/Edge internet with my iPhone.
Ability to transfer purchased UMD games to it.

The ability to hack will come, don't worry, but this is a must for the PSP now, makes it such a nicer system.

October 27th, 2009, 15:02
Taking out the UMD was plain crazy. It would be like taking the cartridge slot out of DS. What would that accomplish? Yea it will get hacked so we can put our UMD's on it someday, but will take a while! By the way how many of you have a hacked PSP that doesn't play UMD's only backups of the games and movies?

November 2nd, 2009, 19:35
I would change NOTHING!!!

The PSP Go is perfect in EVERY way possible. Even more perfect then Betamax, Mini Disc and the UMD.

I love the fact that it's tiny, even though my large man hands cramp up after 10 minutes of play, it's just a good reminder to stop having american sized hands and put them through the washer and dryer to shrink them to the size of Japanese hands.

I also love that it has a sliding screen! Cause EVERYONE knows they NEVER BREAK or FAIL! Not like my old HTC 6600 and HTC 6700 where the paint on the sliding portion scratched and got loose.

OMG I also love that slim battery, NO ONE games for more then 3 hours anymore? Seriously who wants to game off an AC adapter for more then 3-4 hours? It's alsmost like you want this thing portable or something?

Making the battery not easily replacable is a GREAT IDEA!!! Cause damn that would prevent anyone from shocking themselves from the 3.6volts of power.