View Full Version : What Do You Hate About VideoGames These Days?

October 25th, 2009, 08:00
Here's how it works: We ask a question, you answer it. Simple and no strings attached! This isn't some marketing survey or whatever. It's an emotional investment in you. Yes, we're interested in knowing you, reader person.

You probably know oodles about us - more than you even want to, we're sure. But, hey, we'd like to know about you. That way you won't be some faceless blob - and we might feel a tinge of guilt when we ban ya. Or not, because really we're incapable of human emotion.

Question: What do you hate about video games these days?


October 25th, 2009, 15:04
What do I hate?
This is more industry than actual content, but...

1. Piracy.

2. Charging for DLC when it should be free. Just about everything on the PSN and XBL is a rip off. (you wouldn't belileve how much of our games get torn out at the last minute and released as DLC so they can make more money.)

3. Games costing more on PS3 than any other platform. Why? our developement budgets are the same for each port.

4. Pirates cheating in online games and nothing we can do about it.

5. EA ruining the entire games industry. FFS EA, let us release the games when they're ready, and not when your marketing heads tell us to.

6. Not even giving the devs a free copy of the game they wrote!!! Yes that's right. I have to buy a copy of the games I helped create.

October 25th, 2009, 16:31
From a development standpoint you are right. It is stupid to pay for downloadable content unless it is a whole new part to the game that just requires the original game to play.

I agree that hot new games are far too overpriced. These music games having dozens of releases are getting old as well. So there are new songs to sing on Singstar, so what, and don't get me started on how stale Rock Band and Guitar Hero are getting.

I also hate the fact that the video game industry charges so much for controllers. I mean $65 for a wireless controller on X-Box 360 is just plain crazy.

I also don't like all these games going to online only. I can't tell you how many times I have gotten an online game I wanted to play and even within a few months the servers are shut down and you can't play it anymore. Hello where is the single player mode so I can at least use the game offline?

And I won't even start about television shows and movies converted to bad video games. Okay maybe I will! Who here played the LOST video games, boy there is an example of the word SUCKED!!!! Not to mention that to make games playable patches must be released right away or most games are unfinishable.

And another thing I hate is companies buying out other companies and ruining their products (The Sierra acquisition comes to mind). I mean come on Vivendi if you are going to do Leisure Suite Larry as new games (and you did) at least make it an adventure game and not a crap load of mini games just to sell the product with sex. I just hope they don't ruin Activision as well!

I also don't like the quality of the console systems. While the PS3 is pretty good quality the X-Box 360 is the worst piece of crap to come out in a long time (not the games just the poor manufacturing of the console itself).

I could go on all day so there is some things to think about!

October 25th, 2009, 16:55
I can happily complain about high prices untill i'm blue in the teeth, but my biggest problem is digital downloads, obviously it is the future but you never actually own the game, it's only yours if you keep your account and console and can't sell when you finished them and if Sony etc goes out of business you will lose every game you collected for say 30 years if they last that long.

October 25th, 2009, 18:01
i hate complex and ''movie'' style games because they lose the meaning of what game is.
for me,the golden era of videogames has passed many years since and will never come back.
so i end up playing only emulators

October 25th, 2009, 18:32
The mere fact that a GIANT 2D Castlevania has not hit the Wii VC's yet.

October 25th, 2009, 18:36
High prices and crap content (sure the game sux but we have kid rock!)

DLC, now days you pay MORE to get "free" points to a online store you will never use, stop it

EA, jimmy, have these fools released a game within the last 10 years that did not feel like a half finished product

LIVE, sure its great when you want some hard core multilayer action, but i STILL cant figure out why i NEED to be online when trying to save my single player game

October 25th, 2009, 18:44
Sometimes profiles can be annoying.

I dislike the lack of color in a lot of games.

I hate it when companies such as Activision purposely ship games out incomplete, sell them at full price, and expect everyone to fork out loads of money for extra maps and DLC.

I also hate how they've turned games like the Tony Hawk and Grand Theft Auto series into realistic, technical experiences. They're just not as fun as they're predecessors.

October 25th, 2009, 19:03
I also hate how they've turned games like the Tony Hawk and Grand Theft Auto series into realistic, technical experiences. They're just not as fun as they're predecessors.

I like the fact games are more realistic, it's just the new physics u have to get use too, and the only main problem I hate is yeah paying for DLC, but hey that's business, how about a new thread: What is it you love about VideoGames these days? lol this one seems negative

October 25th, 2009, 19:10
The death of survival-horror.

October 25th, 2009, 20:45
The death of survival-horror.

Survival Horror isn't dead at all the New Silent Hill for PSP and PS2 is due out in November, should be a lot of fun as it is a remake of the first game!

beetroot bertie
October 25th, 2009, 22:29
Some things I dislike, although they're not necessarily new issues specifically attached to this gen are:

1. Cut scenes you can't skip. Fair enough, mayber make them mandatory first time round for the sake of the story etc, but not for every consecutive play through.

2. Un-customisable controls. Come on, how hard can it be to let users change buttons if they want?

3. The still pre-dominance of 3D graphics. To me HD can give us the opportunity to have truly beautiful 2D graphics at a resolution that looks good and rules out pixelisation. Artists can perhaps finally realise 2D graphics as they'd visualised and the machines can easily handle it (I hope). Again, although this isn't necessarily a problem of this gen and goes back to the PS1 and probably the Saturn's commercial failure, but I can't understand why 3D is so special all of the time to game buying public. Maybe it's just me.

4. My DC lightgun not working with my newer LCD TV. Bah, humbug, grrrr. I suppose I mean the seemingly redundancy of older tech but I guess you can't stop progress.

5. As a RRoD victim, I'd probably mention the reliability of consoles. These things really should be tested more thoroughly before making it out to the shops.

October 26th, 2009, 02:02
^ the zero to no none reliability of the new consoles is kind of what got me my PS3 and Xbox 360 (I bought both for cheap cause they were broken :thumbup: haha)

But yeah, having something you know is going to fail someday is not good at all

What I really hate about games this gen is that developers tend to focus a lot on the graphics and they care very little for gameplay, when It totally should be the other way around.

Older games were all about gameplay and being fun to play, if you could add nice story and graphics they became awesome

October 26th, 2009, 02:53
should be a lot of fun as it is a remake of the first game!

add remakes to my list

October 26th, 2009, 03:15
What I really hate about games this gen is that developers tend to focus a lot on the graphics and they care very little for gameplay, when It totally should be the other way around.

Older games were all about gameplay and being fun to play, if you could add nice story and graphics they became awesome

^ This.

mega hype games - they never live up to the hype and are mostly shallow products

cinematic games - these days most games seem to be scenarios rather than games, in other words i want gameplay and no goddamn epic movie or interactive novel

lack of original games - see the endless hordes of FPS or online fantasy "games"

^ and this

The games today focus too much on 3-D graphics and using cinematics. All of these points have already been stated, but I miss side scrolling games like Castlevania and Metroid. Remember Symphony of the Night? It did so well as a 2-D game released on a mostly 3-D platform yet the big companies ignore things like this and have tried to make every game 3-D. It seems like they just want the game to look good, and don't care if it's actually fun or not. :(

I'm not saying that 3-D games are bad, because some of them are actually quite fun. However some series should remain in a 2-D mode, or perhaps a limited 3-D ("Threads of Fate" comes to mind). Metroid should not be a first person game. (my opinion of course). Also games don't need to be ruined by long cut scenes and cinematics that you can't skip. I don't want to watch something load every two minutes, I want to run around and kill things damn it!

October 26th, 2009, 11:03
errm yeah anyone the difficulty of games . games these days are too easy i remember playing alex kidd in the enchanted castle on sega megadrive one of the hardest games ive played haha and its so rewarding when you complete it just seems these days the challenege is lost in all video games and companies just care about profit from online gaming and add on packs. there isnt a game on ps3 or psp that couldnt be completed in a day .

October 27th, 2009, 09:41
sorry my English,

what i don't like about video games this days is that they cost around 65€ and i will finish the game in one day or two, but the worth thing is that i won’t play it any more, in the old games you could finish the game but programmers added some extras that would make the game play completely new, the games whore more fun,

nowadays the games are just cinematic movies that we press some buttons and we finish the game.

for me games are about levels, games with a lot of levels, missions,, games are meant for entertain, but the price is to high for a couple of hours.

about the 2d 3d, i have games that i like in 2d sonic was better, super mario was fun, and the 3d version for n64 was also nice,(i preferred the 2d).
I just think that all the companies are trying to make a great interactive blockbuster movie, rather then entertain the players,

i hate the loading times, you enter in the wrong door loading time, you come back loading time, and you enter the other and loading time, is like 10s of play and 1 half minute of loadings.