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View Full Version : Woopsi Demo v0.39

October 25th, 2009, 20:07
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/

Ant512 proposes a new demo of its graphical user interface library for creating homebrew on the model of the windowing Amiga Os, "Woopsi.

- Fixes:
- Removed framebuffer-hitting code from DimmedScreen gadget and replaced with call to GraphicsPort:: dim ().
- ListBox removes itself from its object when ListData deleted.
- Keyboard cursor example shows.
- Moved DimmedScreen into woopsi folder as an official gadget.
- CycleButton: getPreferredDimensions () rect populate with the correct values.
- Const fixed Gadget: getRefcon ().
- Gadget:: disable () and Gadget:: enable () redraw the widget by default.
- Fixed clipRectToHierarchy () bug introduced in switch to non-recursive function in last release.
- RadioButtonGroup redraws when resized.
- RadioButtonGroup returns correct size from getPreferredDimensions ().
- Updated copyright notice in defines.h.
- Bitmap:: getPixel () works correctly for large bitmaps.
- Bitmap:: drawBitmap () flushes correctly mem for DMA copy.
- Gadget:: show () clears rect sibling cache of gadgets with a lower z-index to Ensure that they do not draw over the top of the newly-shown gadget.
- A disabled overlaps another gadget that intercepts clicks correctly now, no longer Allowing them to fall through to the gadget below.

- New Features:
- TextBox and MultiLineTextBox cursor moves when d-pad left / right are pressed and gadget has focus.
- Added test folder:
- CycleButton test;
- RadioButtonGroup test.
- Added class to BinaryFiles bonus folder.
- Added class to BitmapIO bonus folder - load / save BMP files using libfat.
- Added BitmapLoader example.
- Added SuperBitmap: drawBitmap () overload to handle Bitmap objects.

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