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View Full Version : Nintendo Labels Large Screen DSi Article "Speculation"

October 27th, 2009, 18:52
According to reliable Nikkei news service, a new DSi is coming to Japan this year and will feature a 4" larger screen for the current model's price of ¥18,900. Nintendo has responded to this report.

When asked by Famitsu.com, a Nintendo spokesperson stated, "Our company isn't doing any interviews [about this]. We think it's a speculative article."

But is it true?


October 27th, 2009, 21:00
Yeah yeah Nintendo, we know you're gonna release something - denials usually indicate so (Sony and secrets anyone). It may or may not have 4 inch screens but somethings up. Still it is rather odd to come up with another handheld iteration just a year after releasing the DSi last year.

October 28th, 2009, 06:41
This nonsense is why I still have a gba fat and DS Lite.
Good thing I waited a bit and didn't bite on the DS fat.

October 28th, 2009, 13:39
What's speculative is that it's another "DS" with any kind of backward compatibility. Another Nintendo handheld is expected over the next couple of years though.