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View Full Version : NiGHTS into Dreams...

June 1st, 2006, 07:30
Could this title be ported, and... is there ANYONE ANYWHERE who could and WOULD re-hex the game's graphics to fit the Dreamcast??

This game is one of SEGA's **BEST** titles hands down, and is Yuji Naka's MASTERPIECE. I mean, I personally don't know why a harcore SEGA fan wouldn't wanna see this done.

NiGHTS... on the SATURN!?? That would be, like,,, ZoMG!11whendidthishappen!!!?111lkhsdkjfhlksdjhflka s!!:p

I mean, seriously, though, I've seen the re-hexed version of FFVII, so I know that it CAN be done. I just don't know who would do it.

Could anyone at least point me in the right direction?

June 1st, 2006, 08:25
I don't see any pratical way that it could be done. The pure ammount of resources/legality of the whole thing would render it form ever happening.

June 1st, 2006, 12:40
not going to happen, its near impossible

June 1st, 2006, 15:01
It aint possible by homebrew dev coders but if you have any chance in hell to get Sega to do it which is likely not then it is possible.

June 1st, 2006, 19:09
Re-Hexed version of FF7? are you talking about the FF7 on Saturn thing? That was a hoax.

June 1st, 2006, 19:42
Somehow I just KNEW everyone would think it impossible.:p

But, erm, my roomate has this re-hexed version of FFVII that looks ALMOST as good as any PS2 game. It can be done. It just requires someone who knows how to use a hex editor and actually WANTS to take the time to do it.

June 1st, 2006, 20:28
well even if we forget about about the hexed thing, the ps2 is designed to run PS1 games, while the dreamcast does not run any saturn games. there is a saturn emu for the dreamcast but it only runs the bios at a few FPS

June 2nd, 2006, 05:25
That sucks (about the Saturn emulation).

But, I guess I'll just have to keep looking in hopes that someone will actually want to re-hex this game.

And, who knows, I may be able to find someone who could make a Dreamcast version. The NiGHTS fanbase has some die hard people in it. :p

M Dash
June 5th, 2006, 22:01
Good Luck.... If you do it, i'll be one of your biggest fans!

August 23rd, 2006, 02:23
shouldnt one of those die-hard people have codeing skills then? jw

August 25th, 2006, 08:02
what about just making a "saturn bleemcast" disc? the bleemcast improved the ps-1 games' grphx... so its possible to do the same with the library of saturn games... actually, i think this is a great idea and if i knew shit about programming i'd be on that shit like mel gibson on bad pr...

lemme repeat: a SATURN BLEEMCAST:eek:

August 25th, 2006, 08:20
what about just making a "saturn bleemcast" disc? the bleemcast improved the ps-1 games' grphx... so its possible to do the same with the library of saturn games... actually, i think this is a great idea and if i knew shit about programming i'd be on that shit like mel gibson on bad pr...

Guys, it's not that Saturn lovers are few and far between amongst codemonkeys, its just that the thing is hard as hell to emulate. It had like 83 different cpu's and toaster oven functionality.

Seriously though many many people would LOVE to see more Saturn emu's. I personally cant think of anything better than getting my NIGHTS on via my PSP....drool...:p Lets just pray that someone pops out of cave someday with a 99% playable Saturn emu like Exophase did with GBPSP.

Oh yeah! My 100$ offer for a Virtual Boy emu on PSP still stands.:D

September 26th, 2006, 02:42
To be honest most of the ppl that have that level of skill (if such ppl even exist), they're probably getting PAYED to do it and therefore prolly dont have time for it.

October 1st, 2006, 19:17
If only the guy who create bleem! was still around, I heard he was making a N64 emulator for the Dreamcast aswell, so mabye he might have taken on a Saturn one too.

Damn you law suiters!

October 1st, 2006, 20:43
If only the guy who create bleem! was still around, I heard he was making a N64 emulator for the Dreamcast aswell, so mabye he might have taken on a Saturn one too.

Damn you law suiters!

He's around, but he's gotta keep a lid on it, apparently.

October 4th, 2006, 00:44
He's around, but he's gotta keep a lid on it, apparently.

Well the point is hes not bringing his projects back unless hes reading this and decides too!

October 28th, 2006, 00:14
well, if someone devotes a lot of effort into the saturn emulator to specifically work with NIGHTs, that is very possible.
So OP, open up a c++ book, and get on it ;)

October 31st, 2006, 01:50
Ok im justg getting into C++ . MY #1 and possible only project will be 2 MAYBE and im talking outta my ass right know cause I yet to learn anyhting. Edit the HEx Files of the NIghts saturn Iso and POSSIBLE getting it to run on a DS. Since emulation is impossible due to the Hardware on the DS.

Im I crazy or is this possible, can someone recammend some tutorials or programs that would be needed. Obvioulsy a Hex editor and C++. Anyway im going to meet this guy everyday for a wile and he is down to help and he has tons of coding skills. I will definatly be putting countless hours trying anyway.

October 31st, 2006, 02:25
Ok im justg getting into C++ . MY #1 and possible only project will be 2 MAYBE and im talking outta my ass right know cause I yet to learn anyhting. Edit the HEx Files of the NIghts saturn Iso and POSSIBLE getting it to run on a DS. Since emulation is impossible due to the Hardware on the DS.

Im I crazy or is this possible, can someone recammend some tutorials or programs that would be needed. Obvioulsy a Hex editor and C++. Anyway im going to meet this guy everyday for a wile and he is down to help and he has tons of coding skills. I will definatly be putting countless hours trying anyway.




October 31st, 2006, 02:55
The closest thing you are going to get to Nights on the PSP, is a gba rom of it. It was ripped from the gamecube disc Phantasy Star Online, and it's just the first level repeating itself over and over again into a score attack


October 31st, 2006, 04:23
Thanx I 4 those links and that game, I never heard of score attack. Excuse me for being such an idiot but if that Nights score attack is a gba rom cant I use my GBA flashcart G6 which runs GBA games? Well found a place that has it but I got a .mp dont really know what an .mp is and I tried running it but no go:(

October 31st, 2006, 09:32
. Edit the HEx Files of the NIghts saturn Iso and POSSIBLE getting it to run on a DS.

Thats not possible, Nights is complied to work on the saturns hardware ( 2 SH-2 processors etc), the DS is completely different hardware, which will not understand that code.

Thats what a emulator is for, is a program that emulate (pretends/acts) like the original hardware and converts the code into code that the new hardware can understand.

what you are saying is impossible.

also this is the DC section, not the DS section of the forum

October 31st, 2006, 21:40
Ya you guys are right. If definatly impossible to port any a game with no source code. And definatly impossible to emulate it on ds since my comp with 2.5 ghz has truble playing nights emulated,

October 31st, 2006, 22:35
Somehow I just KNEW everyone would think it impossible.:p

But, erm, my roomate has this re-hexed version of FFVII that looks ALMOST as good as any PS2 game. It can be done. It just requires someone who knows how to use a hex editor and actually WANTS to take the time to do it.

It's not a big deal to "re-hex" a game. It takes time, but it isn't a rare, "OMG THIS IS A 1STS!!!!11" type thing. Someone did it with Zelda Ocarina of Time and it looked great. Just letting you know.

October 31st, 2006, 23:16
Well im not able to make a new thread unfortunatly in the DS dection but this was one of the few places Nights score attack is mention anywhere LoL.

You can get it running on a flashcart on DS/GBA. It comes as a .mb(Multiboot File) warez removed To run it you must compile it into a .gba file using this wonderful program

Sorry I know this is wrong forum but I search extensivally to find this out and thought id share it.

October 31st, 2008, 20:34
Perhaps... if someone took an open-source Saturn emulator, retooled it exclusively to play NiGHTS into Dreams (and Christmas NiGHTS), and then ported it to the Dreamcast, then there might be a really slim chance.

October 31st, 2008, 21:04
Don't bump old topics (that have ironically been dead for exactly two years).

Unless you have the source it's impossible to port a game to any console. The only thing you're left with is simulation or emulation. Simulation is out of the picture, and Saturn emulation on the Dreamcast would absolutely never be fullspeed. Right now, I think YabauseDC runs the menu at 5 FPS.

Also, you might as well import the PS2 enhanced remake. It really does represent what a lot of people wanted, just on another console.

November 1st, 2008, 04:14
Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence in Yabause (its not called YabauseDC, the Dreamcast port is an official, first-class version of Yabause, after all).

In all seriousness though, the Dreamcast version of Yabause can't run NiGHTS at the moment, due to work needed on high-resolution mode of the VDP2 in the Dreamcast port. It is of little consequence anyway because of the speedup needed before anything will be playable anyway.

November 1st, 2008, 04:21
Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence in Yabause (its not called YabauseDC, the Dreamcast port is an official, first-class version of Yabause, after all).

In all seriousness though, the Dreamcast version of Yabause can't run NiGHTS at the moment, due to work needed on high-resolution mode of the VDP2 in the Dreamcast port. It is of little consequence anyway because of the speedup needed before anything will be playable anyway.

BlueCrab, I'm amazed you actually have Saturn running on Dreamcast in the first place, and if you can take it farther, then by all means do so. But I thought that even you yourself even said it would never be fullspeed and is more of a fancy tech demo.

I might be wrong.

November 1st, 2008, 12:46
BlueCrab, I'm amazed you actually have Saturn running on Dreamcast in the first place, and if you can take it farther, then by all means do so. But I thought that even you yourself even said it would never be fullspeed and is more of a fancy tech demo.

I might be wrong.The whole beginning part of that post was sarcasm (hence the "In all seriousness" starting the second part). ;) Also, I've never said it couldn't get to be full speed. I don't see it getting there any time soon, but that's not to say it can't get there.

November 11th, 2008, 22:42
I'm not gonna lie, it would be possible but very time consuming and expensive. And prepare to have a lot of lawyers on hand too!
It's not merely about re-hexing the graphics. As far as I remember SH4 and SH2 processors aren't backwards compatible at all, so you'd have to re-write most of the code just to make it work on a single processor. Let's not even mention the fact you'd have to reconfigure the entire code, and that's not simply a matter of compiling it with a dev kit! Which you don't have!