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View Full Version : Get rid of the Queen!

June 2nd, 2006, 06:48
Am I the only person who thinks the monarchy has stayed past its time? I'm tired of swearing allegiance to country and Queen everyday. Despite what people may think the postion has become nothing but a cling to old traditions. Even its symbolic purpose has dwindled over the years. We pay tax dollars to our "head of state" and for what? So she can continue to have her face on our money and make the odd public appearance at some lavish party?

The only thing worse then the queen is her governor generals around the commonwealth. Canada's own "Queen" Michaëlle Jean is a disgrace to our nation.

Here are some interesting facts about this women.

- She has French citizenship, which she acquired when she married her husband Mr. Lafond. A section of the French civil code forbids French citizens from holding government or military positions in other countries and, as Commander-in-Chief of the Canadian Forces and as de facto Head of State, Jean would hold both military and government positions. Why the hell would a French citizen fill in for the British monarch in the first place?

- During Remembrance Day ceremonies in Ottawa on November 11, a handful of veterans turned their backs on the Governor General as her car drove up to the National War Memorial. The protesters said they believe Jean and her husband are or were Quebec separatist sympathizers who worked to break up a country the veterans fought to defend.

This just reminds me of another rant i'll go on sometime in the future. Bloody separatists. Feels good to vent out that frustration, even if this rant is somewhat unorganized.

June 2nd, 2006, 08:49
Advantages of the queen is she can dispose of both our and australian leaders because of old rules - We also get great revenue from americans wanting to see a queen - But I also don't like the monarchy

June 5th, 2006, 20:27
Canada is cool


June 21st, 2006, 14:20
We need to keep the monarchy because its a great income for the goverment in taxes on tourism! :D

June 21st, 2006, 23:18
We need to keep the monarchy because its a great income for the goverment in taxes on tourism! :D

Britain is the only one in the commonwealth benefiting from that since they house the monarchy. The monarchy does little positive for the rest of us.

June 22nd, 2006, 00:20
my mom is british (gasp i'm half)

and she'd chew u out for even saying that

but i agree

June 22nd, 2006, 01:24
Most of the catholics I live with and around hate the monarchy for their various, yet similar reasons, but I would prefer to live in the, "not giving a damn" group. Get on with it and let that old lady make her little visits!

June 22nd, 2006, 02:48
let me quote a famous line from a famous rap group from the 1990's and there album "public enemie #1"