View Full Version : Halloween Like or Dislike ?

October 31st, 2009, 20:25
for me, i hate halloween, bloody teenagers knocking on your door with no costume on basically scrounging for money, now kids with their mums that are dressed up i dont mind but on the whole a day i can do without

October 31st, 2009, 21:04
All Hallows' Eve I don't mind, but it's lost all meaning thus the commercial name Halloween.

Trick or Treat serves no meaning to the kids of today, they just see free candy that they don't have to work for (just beg).

I'm lucky that where I live, nobody knocks on the doors of houses where there are no children (or people they don't know). And those with children, make sure they are done by a certain time (I heard people around 6pm), well they are supervised which is good. I would really dislike to live on one of those estates that are over populated with scrounging teenagers who think they can get something for nothing by knocking on doors, I only went out twice when I was younger which my mum would buy me a pick and mix and I'd be happy staying indoors playing my videogames or whatever I was doing...

So easy to please, with my game/video rental and my pick and mix of random sweets. How I wish I was like that today and not so indecisive. :p

October 31st, 2009, 23:54
Ever since my family moved to a more suburban area, it hasn't really bothered me too much.

When we lived near Philadelphia, however, little punks used to egg/silly spray our cars and blow up our mailbox (or break it with a bat). Still pisses me off. :P

November 1st, 2009, 07:27
^im one of the suspects of throwing rotten eggs^ LOL
i used to those in my state NYC, it was fun but now im grown out of it so i dont bother and now i feel the victims i took by these new little devils on me >:[
i love halloween but the whole meaning is disappearing.