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View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2 Leaked Video Survey Results

October 31st, 2009, 23:27
A leaked video of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 caused controversy this week when it revealed a level in the game involving terrorists shooting civilians in an airport. Activision confirmed the video's legitimacy, adding that players will be able to skip over the gameplay should they find it too offensive.

We put up a poll to gauge reader reaction to the video. Around 22,000 of you responded over the course of two days.

Here are the results!

Question: Does the leaked Call of Duty footage show a scene that goes too far?

43% - It is fine

34% - I haven't watched it, I don't want spoilers

13% - I have no interest in Modern Warfare 2

10% - It is tasteless

As you can see, close to half of IGN readers had no problem with the airport scene. Meanwhile, the other half decided not to watch the video or thought it was tasteless.

Where do your opinions fall? Do you think developer Infinity Ward went too far?
