View Full Version : Hackmii news- bricks wanted?

November 2nd, 2009, 19:36
The Hackmii team have posted a request for bricked Wii`s, heres the full sp from Bushing:

To continue with the theme of my last post on updates and bricking:

I don’t have an actual explanation for any of the 4.2 bricking, and I suspect Nintendo doesn’t really, either — I don’t think they keep a copy of the NAND keys for each device, and I doubt they have any readily-available way of retrieving them. As a matter of personal curiosity, I would be interested in doing a post-mortem on such a Wii myself.

If you have a bricked Wii that fulfills the following requirements:

Worked just fine before the 4.2 update
Is now unusable after the 4.2 update (black screen, error message from system menu, etc)
Has an old, vulnerable boot1 (such that BootMii/boot2 could be installed), or
Has a known set of keys (either from a BootMii NAND backup or running xyzzy at some point in the past)
Did not have anything too odd done to the system menu or boot IOS (but I’m a bit flexible on this point)
… please let me know. I would be interested in getting a dump of the NAND from the system so I can figure out exactly what caused it to die — if you already had such a dump (and the keys), that would be great, but if I not I could dump it myself (again, assuming you have the keys or it’s old enough that I could install BootMii/boot2 with a flash programmer.)
