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View Full Version : Side affects of Font hack????

June 4th, 2006, 14:32
Has anyone else noticed a few side affets of using font hackto change the font on your psp?

for some reason, due to changing the font, my psp now crashed when i try to view websites with alot of words; which its trying to convert to the new font.

Also its a afecting my homebrew aswell, now ive change the font, i get a blank screen occasionly when i try to get iris to run.

Weird, anyone else having proplems like this?

June 4th, 2006, 14:46
It worked ok for me....

June 4th, 2006, 16:05
Yeah i had a problem. Some of the writing used to disappear and then when i used toswitch it off and put it back on it used to work fine. But i dont use it anymore so it doesnt matter now.

Illegal Machine
June 9th, 2006, 21:00
It worked for me once.

and once it bricked my PSP. no lie