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View Full Version : Help Playing New Umd's On Fw 1.5

June 4th, 2006, 20:17
hi I'm new member, and I have got a 1.5 PSP and bought Daxter and Grand Theft Auto, but they tell me to update software to begin. I understand that is not a great idea:-0

How can I play these games without upgrading firmware?
Some kind of walk-through would be excellent, if anyone can point me in the correct direction??



June 5th, 2006, 02:40
Just use MPH loader and your good! It works 100%! JUST DON'T UPGRADE!!!!!!!

June 5th, 2006, 07:36
Only GTA works with MPH GameLoader, Daxter doesn't.

June 12th, 2006, 11:41
Use the following:

Fastloader 0.7
UMD Emulator 0.8c (with runumd patch)
MPHLoader 1.1
DevHook 0.41a (seems to play everything, including UMD movies & music)

All installed and working together on a 1.5fw

(just waiting for the day I can replace the whole lot with one loader that does everything)

July 16th, 2006, 02:45
Dev-Hook 0.44 has just come out with support for up to 2.71. It's UMD only, so no game back-ups or anything stupid and illegal like that, but your UMDs should work.

Because it's now 2.71, ALL UMDS should work with it, including movies and music as well as games. Google it for a download (I think I first read about it at PSP Hacks).