View Full Version : Resistance fires first movie salvo

June 5th, 2006, 16:17
Although the PS3's game line-up didn't quite make the hugest of splashes at E3, there were certainly some intriguing titles on view. Whilst Killzone 2 conspicuously failed to make an appearance, the other title commanding FPS fans' attentions was Insomniac's Resistance: Fall of Man.

Although UT 2007 will probably still be the PS3's premier shooter come the launch window, there's every sign that Resistance should also be high on FPS fans' shopping lists. Although perhaps better known for the Ratchet series, Insomniac's futuristic shooter pits mankind (well a UK and US coalition anyway - let's just hope it works a bit better than our effort out in Iraq) against a shadowy race of monsters known as the Chimera, who've infected most of Europe with a hideous curse.

Billed as a "blend of epic military action and unnerving horror", Resistance is set to feature some epic single-player struggles but, with co-op and online campaigns for up to 32 players, it should also bring plenty to the multiplayer table.

Now, you get a chance to judge for yourself and see what we saw out at E3, with the release of the first official movie from the game - depicting the beginning of Operation Morning Star to reclaim the world from the alien foe. A bunch of crunchy gameplay footage is enclosed and it's looking the business, with detailed environments and plenty of bug-blatting action. No release date of course yet, but we hope this one will be amongst the first cream of the PS3 crop and we'll bring you more from the Resistance front line soon.

Trailer and News at CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=141003)