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View Full Version : Easy3Dcpp v0.1

November 7th, 2009, 21:52
News/release from mootjeuh (http://forums.qj.net/psp-development-forum/160633-release-easy3dcpp-v0-1-a.html)

hey all,
today I come with an intresting library that makes it easier for C/C++ devs to use the PSP's 3D engine.
these series of functions were originally made by masterlau, but they were in coded Lua, so I decided to port them =P
anyway, I wanna say thanks to homemister91 for releasing the sources of LPHM 5 (not LPHMv3) coz they helped me understand some Gu.* functions
and thanks to masterlau for originally creating them in LPHM Lua
sources are included.


November 7th, 2009, 23:18
Just curious to where the original lua version is.