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View Full Version : MY PSP got Partially Bricked!!! HELP!!

June 5th, 2006, 19:10
To begin with, I own a genuine 1.50 PSP. I was using Flashmod today to install some fonts, and that worked like a charm. Later I decided to mess around with the menu names through patching of a file named topmenu_plugin.rco through the Menu name change program by Loco...And Dammit!!! I did everything right and later used flashmod to flash the menu names with the patched file I used...Now my PSP will only play UMD's when inside the UMD slot...If there's no UMD, it just loads normally as it always does, freezes at the menu background (the Icons never show) and then crashes....FAAAAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCCKKKK!!!! I'm such a dumbass! I knew this day would come if I kept messing around with hacks. I'm really pissed!
Sorry for the language Wraggster but I never curse here, and I think you'd understand how I feel.

Is there any way out of this nutshell? I need some help. I'm desperate!

My PSP is now oficially the equal of a game boy...Meaning it only plays games. There's no way of going into the flash, as I can no longer access it thorugh USB or homebrew...I can still re format my Memory stick through my PC but that won't change anything...I don't have access to system settings, so that's not gonna help either...
Any ideas or opinions??? Please help me out here if you know of a fix.

June 5th, 2006, 19:18
Tampering with your flash is never a good idea, maybe you could try updating to 2.0 off a UMD.

June 5th, 2006, 19:18
damn dude that sucks i dont know about changing the fonts or startup sounds but i would like to learn how to if you find a way out of your problem could you pm and help me change or edit my psp

June 5th, 2006, 19:26
Thats unfortunate. I feel so bad, i wish I could help!
This post is really just to say hello to you, longtime! Hope everything else is well with you man. Try an update through umd as the last guy said. Things cant be that simple though!

June 5th, 2006, 19:29
How can I upgrade to 2.00 via USB? I can't access anything in the menu, not even the USB port. Please explain.

****Sorry I read it wrong**** I will try to update through UMD...I guess it's my only chance.

Hi Bullhead....yeah man I'm really pissed...

I'll have to try a UMD version 2.00 update once I get home, I don't have any of those games on me right now. I do have the audioslave concert though and that has a 2.00 update, but It's not even letting me through after I power on the PSP. I'm simply getting the background freeze.

June 5th, 2006, 19:51
gta has a 2.0 update.

June 5th, 2006, 19:57
Yeah I know, I have it at home...I'll try later. Right now I happen to have on me 4 UMDs:

Lumines - no update on it
Coded Arms - 1.50...which I already have installed
Pursuit Force - 2.50...No way, unh uh...It's not working either, anyways
Audio Slave concert in Cuba - 2.00...but it ain't working

So considering I've tried two UMDs with higher updates already, and I've gotten squat, I think I'm stuck in the same place....UUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHH!!!

How much does a flash memory go for?? Anyone know? Do they sell them with firmware 1.00 or 1.50 already installed by default?

BTW guys, thanks for the moral support...as you might already know, I am having a really sheety day.

June 5th, 2006, 20:09
Can anyone confirm me something... When you highlight a UMD update through the menu, are the other menu icons still visible? Specially if it's a 1.50 PSP with a 2.00 UMD in-slot....I just wanna know, can't remember right now.

The thing is, since my "topmenu_plugin.rco" is probably corrupted, I am not able to see anything past the PSP boot screen that reads
"Sony Computer Entertainment" (except the background pic)when you turn on a PSP. So the only way would be to access the update without any text showing in the PSP menu desktop....and I don't think that's even possible.

Although, my security settings were on, I get the message to input password at startup...I don't really have a password, it's just a way of deciding if you want to play the UMD or go straight to the homebrew instead, when I start the PSP....Now I really miss homebrew.

June 5th, 2006, 20:13
Something just occured to me!
I think I'll try the UMD swap method trick!
I'll run Lumines and then swap it with the Audioslave UMD.... I'll post back if anything.

Aw shucks... Didn't work either...it just crashes into a black screen after the MS light flickers for a few seconds.

June 5th, 2006, 20:22
hope it works for you

June 5th, 2006, 20:39
So, can anyone confirm for me what I posted on #8?
It would be of great help.

June 5th, 2006, 21:05
Sorry to hear it man :p
try updating the eboot way

June 5th, 2006, 21:17
I can't access any eboots.
Now I simply have a PSP 1.50 that plays up to 1.50 version games, and a PSP 2.70 which I bought two months ago... I guess this is just how SONY would have wanted it.

Can someone please confirm my #8 post query. Please.

June 5th, 2006, 22:16
lol dont mean 2 laugh but thats kinda funny

June 5th, 2006, 23:22
try using links 2 (the homebrew web browser for psp 1.5) to download all necesary homebrew/updated and see if that works

also, try to use links to download a new topmenu_plugin.rco

June 5th, 2006, 23:33
Hopefully the modchip will fix your problem.

June 6th, 2006, 17:43
Yeah I know, the modchip fix is the only thing I've thought about, thanks for pointing it out...

But I'm curious...Is there any way a homebrew shell application, like say IR shell, Psix or Artillery can boot from startup, instead of the regular PSP menu?

What I mean is, this would allow me to bypass the PSP default menu and be able to load a flash custom app like Flashmod, and then I could restore the original "topmenu_plugin.rco" and get my PSP to function normally again...I hope.

June 6th, 2006, 17:50
what happens if you put in a game which requires an update, i know you cant update from the disc initially, as that needs to be done via the XMB, but maybe if you load up a game it will then take you back to the update symbol. also try UMD movies and Music, as they cant boot on startup.

if that doesnt work, my only guess is serial port access, but i know nothing about it other than you get direct access to the psp files

June 6th, 2006, 17:55
try using links 2 (the homebrew web browser for psp 1.5) to download all necesary homebrew/updated and see if that works

also, try to use links to download a new topmenu_plugin.rco

Please explain, because my dilemma here is that the main PSP menu got corrupted. That means, I cannot acces anything, not even the settings, except a UMD in the UMD drive.

Also, any UMD's that require an update higher than 1.50 will not load, not even the update prompt, resulting in a freeze followed by a system forced shutdown... So, I'm limited to playing my four 1.50 UMDs that I already beat a long time ago. Save works fine, too.

June 6th, 2006, 17:58
My video UMDs don't even load. I have two 1.50 movies: Spiderman 2 from the initial bundle pack, and Hellboy. I tried both and I just get the background freeze into a system forced shutdown.

OK...Just to clear things up a bit for people who are first timers to my shameful thread:

- I own a 1.50 firmware PSP with few games (6 to be precise)

- Yesterday, the GTA style customs for PSP came out, and I've always wanted to have that GTA font for some crazy reason.

- Soooo... I took the fonts for a spin with Flashmod v0.3 with font customization, and it worked like a charm.

- Then I got all curious about the whole deal with changing the PSP's menu text names and I thought I'd give it a try...you know, just for kicks.

- I did my research through various forums and found out it could be done with the same flashmod application, but first you had to patch a file called "topmenu_plugin.rco" with Loco's PSP Menu edit. Having that done all that was left to do was put the patched file on the root of your MS and run it through flashmod...Simple, right?

- To my complete horror, I now have a partially bricked PSP that only plays 1.50 games...Kinda like a Gameboy but whith better graphics XP. So it Sucks for me. Thank you.

June 6th, 2006, 18:01
really sorry for you
my only guess is modchip or serial port
and both are quite hazy options

June 6th, 2006, 18:15
OK...Just to clear things up a bit for people who are first timers to my shameful thread:

- I own a 1.50 firmware PSP with few games (6 to be precise)

- Yesterday, the GTA style customs for PSP came out, and I've always wanted to have that GTA font for some crazy reason.

- Soooo... I took the fonts for a spin with Flashmod v0.3 with font customization, and it worked like a charm.

- Then I got all curious about the whole deal with changing the PSP's menu text names and I thought I'd give it a try...you know, just for kicks.

- I did my research through various forums and found out it could be done with the same flashmod application, but first you had to patch a file called "topmenu_plugin.rco" with Loco's PSP Menu edit. Having that done all that was left to do was put the patched file on the root of your MS and run it through flashmod...Simple, right?

- To my complete horror, I now have a partially bricked PSP that only plays 1.50 games...Kinda like a Gameboy but with better graphics XP. So it Sucks for me. Thank you.

- My PSP's current functionality depends on a 1.50 or lower UMD to actually be able to at least play SONY PSP games. I do not have any access at all to the PSP desktop menu interface (were the icons first appear) or as veterans might call it, the XMB.

-This means it cannot access anything other than the UMD inside the UMD slot. No Photos, No Videos, No Music, No Homebrew...not even a perfectly functional Memory Stick....All I get is my customized desktop background to freeze, and after 9 seconds the PSP automatically forces a shutdown.

+++ This also means I have no access to the PSP through the USB cable, since I cannot trigger it. But I can still put stuff in and out of the MS through my PC's card port.

So I'm currently open to any suggestions and opinions that might help me on my quest to find those precious features like homebrew again.

June 6th, 2006, 18:23
really sorry for you
my only guess is modchip or serial port
and both are quite hazy options


The modchip will have to wait. I need to know if it will operate straight from the psp interface or from a second disk, kinda like a dos mode on PCs. If it runs right off the PSP menu interface, then I'm screwed either way, if I get to spend money on actually buying it....But there's always hope, right? At least I don't have a complete brick like some people have suffered, already. My brick plays games!

I'll do my research on the serial port thing and I'll post back with my findings. But while I'm at it, I'd appreciate it if someone with any knowledge on serial port access could help me out. Even a link would help. Thanks.

June 6th, 2006, 19:31
Send your PSP to Sony and say that your PSP died while updating.

June 6th, 2006, 21:18
Send your PSP to Sony and say that your PSP died while updating.

Heh. That's clearly not an option for me. I don't want to end up with two 2.70 PSP's or a higher update when they send it back to me... And second, they'll probably notice that I've tampered with the device enough, seeing as my warranty was voided personally by me while doing the Dpad mod three months ago...

June 6th, 2006, 21:46
ok im sory if this is a stupid idea but what if you gt the original file and put it on your mem stick, or is it saved to the psp?

June 6th, 2006, 22:39
remember how i said it was funny that ur psp partially bricked well mine fully bricked LoL i tried changing the fonts and messed everything up im so pi$$ed

June 6th, 2006, 22:57
ok im sory if this is a stupid idea but what if you gt the original file and put it on your mem stick, or is it saved to the psp?

Being that the file needs to be executed from the PSPs internal flash memory, it is useless to have it in the root of the Memory Stick, unless you run it through a homebrew application like flashmod...But I can't access homebrew or anything else anymore.

Don't feel stupid, it's good to ask...It's one of the two ways you learn stuff.

June 6th, 2006, 22:58
remember how i said it was funny that ur psp partially bricked well mine fully bricked LoL i tried changing the fonts and messed everything up im so pi$$ed

Aaaaaw Dude... No you didn't! I feel worse for you now... How did it happen & what app did you use?

Great! The day after this happens to me, the new Devhook with 2.50 features for 1.50 is released....Talk about 06.06.06 superstition! SHEESH!

June 8th, 2006, 04:00
I feel bad for you:( :( :(

June 8th, 2006, 17:03
I feel bad for you:( :( :(

...But, don't feel bad. After all there's still means of hope through what the U.P. Modchip can offer when it's finally tested by someone. So it just come down to waiting for me.

BTW this sunday is my birthday and I won't have any homebrew or emulators to play with:(
But I'm glad I'm going to enjoy a nice Lobster and some Stone Crab with my wife at our favorite local seafood place, Monty's... Then we'll probably got whatch X-men 3 which I haven't been able to see yet because of recently moving to a new house.

So my PSP can wait.:D

June 8th, 2006, 17:36
yea your pretty much screwed just buy a new flash memory im pretty sure they come 1.00 stock but they may have changed

June 8th, 2006, 18:16
yea your pretty much screwed just buy a new flash memory im pretty sure they come 1.00 stock but they may have changed

I've been trying to get one but they seem more expensive than what the U.P. Modchip is supposedly going to cost.

Do you know of any good source where to get one?

June 8th, 2006, 18:24
my advice - and i know its not helpfull so sorry - is just wait till this modchip gets released. it claims to be able to restored bricked psp's which yours is. its also the cheapest option you have right now except possibly sony support but they will put 2.71 on it so....anyway good luck with it - dont know what i would do if that happened to me.

June 8th, 2006, 18:55
Yes I've come to the same conclusion. Thank You.

June 8th, 2006, 19:28
I would be looking foward to that seafood meal. ha ha ... can I have some? mmmmmm... lobster.

June 8th, 2006, 20:09
heheh ... If the shipping wasn't too expensive I'd sure send you some, bullhead. How's everything with you?

June 8th, 2006, 20:41
you could try ebay for a psp with a broken umd drive or mem stick slot

broken psp systems should sell cheaper than a new one

then you could just take the flash memory out of there and put in your psp

June 8th, 2006, 20:49
heheh ... If the shipping wasn't too expensive I'd sure send you some, bullhead. How's everything with you?
Things are moderately diabolical, to be perfectly honest. Exams.... ill say no more.

June 8th, 2006, 21:27
A level revison hurts
why did i choose physics?

i should be saving for uni and holidays
but once my exams are over im going to buy a load of
2.5 psp games to use with devhook.

never tried lobster, how is it?

(hmm off topic post, quite fun, yet strange)

June 8th, 2006, 22:02
Im doin a- level physics aswell. Exam tomorrow. Its so hard!

June 9th, 2006, 22:07
Lobster is quite a tasty platter if you ask me! I especially like mine broiled for a long time, then splashed with lime and a lot of butter.... Ever tried Stone Crabs? Now there's the real treat! Especially at Monty's were they keep em coming! They even put a bib on your neck while you munch your way through them... It can get quite sticky and smelly, you know! LOL.

Yeah, I'm fully loaded with thesis midterms too, I barely have the time to watch the Fifa Cup and the NBA Finals...but this weekend I'm just gonna Shlax (combination of shut up and relax), because it's my birthday!.... I'll cry if I want to, though. meh.

Also, I don't think it would be a smart idea to buy a broken PSP just for the flash ... sounds like a waste of money to me, but thanks anyway:p

June 10th, 2006, 14:57
happy birthday,
the modchip is ready to order
thats a present

June 10th, 2006, 16:10
Happy birthday... have a good one. My friends 19th is today so studying can go fiddle with itself!

June 10th, 2006, 17:48
hamlet lit and lang a level exam, woooooooo

June 10th, 2006, 17:57
Ha ha... A-levels are a pain in the toothpick. Two more physics exams. I finish on the 19th, cant wait! What about you?

June 10th, 2006, 18:09
ive got English Hamlet+talk in life and lit exam on monday the 12th
Physics: Forces, Fields and Energy.and Unifying Concepts, on the 15th
English: Critical Approaches on the 20th
and then Physics: Cosmology on the 22nd
i did my Art A level in mid May

then im free, but im not too optimistic about results, i got all existensialist this year and tried to figure out, well everything, got a bit sidetracked, and worst of all came up with no answers whatsoever....what does it all mean.lol

June 10th, 2006, 19:26
It's been said the answers 42. I know what you mean, and it got me nowhere, lol.

June 11th, 2006, 03:00
I thought of something, but your PSP would have had to have been a 2.00+...you could have run GTA and used eLoader to edit your flash back.

It's been said the answers 42. I know what you mean, and it got me nowhere, lol.

LOL my friend is afraid of, specifically, the number 42 because it appears so often.

June 11th, 2006, 04:05
To the OP: Maybe if you hold out, some genious somewhere will come up with a save exploit for a <= 1.5 game? I mean, surely GTA can't be the only PSP game with a poorly-coded savegame loading function?

June 11th, 2006, 06:12
wow.. i cant believe no ones else has thought of this..
i did a similiar thing editing my text awhile back..
just start it up and yank out the battery until it gives you the error screen and you can press O and it will fix the problem for you.. restoring the flash defaults..
your welcome

June 12th, 2006, 21:33
Hey everyone! Thanks for the kind words! As for the modchip, I'm still waiting for visual proof that it can fix a brick, before I buy it. Bullhead and Accordian boy, the best of luck to both of you with those exams!

To Novo.... I'm not really sure I can trust you on that, but I'll try it out, nevertheless... I mean, what else can go wrong right?

June 12th, 2006, 23:38
well that is a good suggestion, however correct me if im wrong but doesnt flashmod write the fonts to flash0 not flash1?
if thats the case this idea wont work. it is however worth a try. i have to admit its something i never thought of. if flashmod writes the fonts to flash1 this may well be a fix for everyone that has been having this issue. ill have to go find out where flashmod writes the fonts to.


ok did my research - it does write the fonts over the psp's originals so it is my belief this trick wont work. let us know if it does.

June 13th, 2006, 16:51
...Well, I guess he ment to yank the battery out while trying an update... But since I can't even update, it just turns off the PSP and nothing happens... Oh well... waiting for the modchip.

June 13th, 2006, 17:49
You cant load ANY hb? Is that right?

June 13th, 2006, 18:24
Yes sir... I just get the parental control password check (no imput needed really, I just use it for means of not loading the inside UMD I have in the PSP & going straight to the homebrew).
From there I either press X to run the UMD or O to go to the XMB, but O freezes and the XMB never shows up, then the PSP just powers off after ten seconds.

If I try to run any 2.00+ UMD game or movie I just get the background freeze to the PSP forced shutdown.

June 13th, 2006, 18:26
Damn it... I only know 2.6. Sorry.

June 13th, 2006, 18:43
It's cool bullhead...at least you tried.

June 13th, 2006, 20:22
I was thinking about file assistant.

June 13th, 2006, 20:26
Yeah, go on....
But remember, other than 1.50 UMDs, I have acess to zip....nothing.

June 13th, 2006, 23:13
actually i think what he meant is when you turn on your psp and just before the text loads after the background (and i presume where it crashes/freezes on yours) i think thats when to remove the battery because just before the text loads the psp reads from flash1 - removing the battery then may corrupt the flash1 and force it to restore defaults. thats what i think he meant.

also never remove the battery while firmware updating - you WILL get a brick for your trouble.

June 14th, 2006, 07:08
wait, so you also changed your background?? to have custom background and special font?? is it any wonder it bricked, you cant mess with that much stuff in your flash, its your own dam fault you got it bricked, let this be a lesson to everyone...

I have a 1.5 f/w psp, 3 games, 6 movies, every single good speed emulator, with original background (incliding the colors change each month), original font, and nothing changed other then downgrading it from 2.0 a few times...

I dont mean to be mean, but I cant feal pity for someone that changes the system in ways a psp is not to be changed... its basicly overwriting the font already on your flash, and if it overwrites and isnt the same size, it will either leave bits of information at the end of the file, or overwrite the files in front of it..

A flash rom chip is somthing that doesent automaticly re-organize all the bits of each file, thats why it will overwrite somthing that isnt the same size... but! the F/W made by sony compleetly re-writes the flash, all files get copyed over and changed.. without leaving any overwriten bits, nor any gibberish bits...

thats why when you remove your battery while its re-writing the flash (updating the F/W), it doesent get all the files, its gets some, and still only partly copys over the other files already on your flash chip..

the new modchip would probobly fix your psp, if you have the skill to install it.. and obviously, if you can afford it..

but yeah, good luck getting it back up and working.. it definatly would suck for me to break my psp, especialy with the Resident Evil remake and all :p

June 14th, 2006, 19:06
Well thanks. Changing the background is not a big deal as changing the font or customizing the XMB menu names for the icons. Background customizing has been made easy since the first days of PSP hacking. Some might remember homebrew applications that would help you modify your monthly backgrounds like, PSpersonalize and others done by WAB and Team Emergency Exit... All it requires is you have 24bit BMP format images with a resolution no bigger than 300X170 in the root of your Memory Stick, and name them respectably after each month...January would be 01.bmp and so on. It's a pretty old hack known by many 1.5 PSP users, and even though if you mess up with the resolution, there's no chance of corrupting the flash, as the results seem to only affect ICON0.png files for homebrew...a fault that can be corrected by re-editing the custom background's resolution correctly.... So this hack in no way messes up the PSP's flash.

The font hack is much trickier, and even though I have managed to execute it without damage to the flash, I will not post the how-tos for it here, because some of you here might not follow directions correctly and end up bricking your PSP... I've already heard about a few people in the forums that have completely bricked their PSP's flash with this hack.

Now, what messed my PSP's flash and bricked it from acessing anything other than 1.50 games is the third hack I will mention in this post. MENU NAME CUSTOMIZATION
There is a file in the PSP's flash called "topmenu_plugin.rco" wich I guess it's the command file that allows to display every single word that goes in the main menu of the PSP. I learned that this file can only be manipulated via Loco's menu edit application for windows. Everything is intricately placed in this file, so that means if you go along and mess with it through word pad or any other PC text editor, then flash it through your PSP, you can go ahead and forget about viewing movies, listening to music and playing homebrew on your precious little handheld.

I still don't know what went wrong that day when I was editing that file, but if it helps, these are the custom menu names I was going to add(btw, I did this after having already sucessfully installed the GTA font):
-Photo would become Images
-Music would become Tunes
-Video would become Flicks
-Games would become Play

And just when I was gonna go play some Lua...I couldn't. At least that modchip is coming out soon, and I finally have the money saved up.

I now It's my damn fault. Of course it is. That's one of the reasons why I started this thread, so people would see the downside of hacking your system...It not always ends up how you want it too, that's my opinion.

June 20th, 2006, 21:48
On the subject of backgrounds...

I created a super small background for my 1.50, 1kb instead of 6kb saving loads of memory for firmware fiddling.
I made it 1 pixel wide by 272 pixels high.
The psp then stretches it to fullscreen.

Stretched example below.

I know its bit minimalistic...but i prefer the horizon effect.

June 20th, 2006, 22:19
An approach like that can usuallay be the best, im going to use that one infact, thanks!

Nasty Nate
June 21st, 2006, 02:35
hey, when you said that you didnt set a password or anything the default password is 0 0 0 0, kinda easy, but i dont know if that will help any but i tried

the one and only
June 23rd, 2006, 10:32
can u update? if you can update to 2.0 u can downgrade again hopefiully, :D i helped

June 28th, 2006, 17:06
Well yeah...I mean, I don't wanna sound like a prick or anything, but if you read in the first pages of this thread, I already tried updating with both 2.0 UMD's that I own...GTA and Prince of Persia, and they both end up in a forced crash...I suspect the background icons need to show up when the PSP asks you to update, and that's why it crashes.
But hey, thanks for stopping by and helping out.

June 28th, 2006, 21:55
hmm, i am getting my modchip soon via mail but i dont have a bricked psp, perhaps when i install it i can tell you if you might be able to boot up its alternative fw by holding l1 when you hit the on switch?

If not, im really not sure how the mod chip can "unbrick" a psp.

June 28th, 2006, 22:16
Well thanks, that WOULD help a lot, wowzors. And as to how it would fix a brick or not, here's what that old article said about that:

"Since U.P. provides a secondary flash which the PSP can boot from, it can even be used to restore a PSP which has been "bricked". "

How? I have no clue...but I've come to the conclusion that since you'll actually have a second "working" flash memory, which is the UP Modchip, then your PSP will "work" again if it was bricked and non working...But as to the UP modchip actually fixing the PSP's original flash memory and runing both flashes...I still doubt it, and that's why I haven't bought it yet...Guess we'll have to wait and see...

Remember, my only doubts here are on how the UP modchip can fix the original "bricked" PSP chip.

June 29th, 2006, 02:28
i would say they could do it one of 2 ways.

1. copying the files from u.p. to psp's flash either using an inbuilt function or by using a homebrew app that can manually copy all the files to the psp's flash.

2. (and this is more likely) being able to run the sony updater program after botting from u.p. and then switching to the psp's flash for the updater to do its thing.

number 2 is most likely because from what i understand of the updating process the updater prepares the flash in a way so that the psp knows exactly where each file is in the flash memory (kind of like preparing a boot sector on a floppy/hdd). now i may be totally wrong here but it is probable that this is what needs to happen.

ill be interested in knowing exactly how it can be done in case i decide to buy/install the u.p. myself so someone who has it please let us know.

June 29th, 2006, 02:36
theres software that lets you flash a psp with the up mod chip so i think thats how it lets you unbrick the psp besides the secondary flash

June 29th, 2006, 12:55
from my understanding that software is only for flashing u.p. however i could be wrong. would be very cool if it can flash the psp,s flash too.

June 29th, 2006, 16:19
Yes, I've thought of all this too guys....Man I'm so anxious to see how it's done!!! I mean, there's finally a decnt GBA Emulator and IRshell sounds amazing with all it can do now...I'm in pain people...

Thanks to everyone for bearing with me :)

June 29th, 2006, 17:46
Basically a bricked psp is where whatever program that caused it has edited/rewritten the flash in the psp so that it will not operate as it should do (not work!). So the modchip physically replaces this now unusable flash module. And with a new flash in the psp that has the correct code... hey presto, i works again.

June 29th, 2006, 19:59
so basically what your saying is - a bricked psp even with u.p. - cannot have dual flash features.
im sorry but the ads say it can fix a bricked psp.

i see why you might assume that it replaces your psp's flash but it doesnt actually - it operates alongside your psp's own flash.

June 29th, 2006, 20:04
it does unbrick it because it reaplaces the old flash and gives you a secondary flash so you buying two

June 29th, 2006, 20:14
thats not quite what i mean - i understood the advert to mean you can repair a bricked psp not just use u.p. instead of the psp's own flash.
of course i could have been wrong but there must be some way to actually fix the psp's own flash with it otherwise those with bricked psp's will not be able to use that new bios thats coming out if u.p. doesnt actually repair the bricked psp's flash.

June 29th, 2006, 20:34
OK, I read elsewhere that the current bios supported by the U.P. mod chip only serves to make the UP chip function as a regular PSP 1.00 or 1.50fw would, it depends on whichever version of the current bios you choose to install. They claim they will release their next bios called "Epsilon" soon, and that this bios will be the one that will not only have 2.00+fw features and still play homebrew, but it'll restore the "bricked" PSP flash through a shoulder button "flash switch" method. So I guess this at least prooves everything discussed here already about the UP mod chip. But I'll still wait for a video.

June 30th, 2006, 14:34
indeed. that does answer my question but like you i will wait for a video to be sure.

July 1st, 2006, 16:55
if you can read disks, play a umd with a 2.0 upgrade. the upgrade will reflash wich should fix whatever you screwed up. after upgrading to 2.0 you can then redowngrade. good luck
i know this works, ive semi bricked my psp, just upgrade then redowngrade. i fixed mine, it should work for you


ps. plz lemme know if it worked

July 1st, 2006, 22:43
No, that won't work. Unless somebody knows a game that will let you update without returning to the menu first? Don't think one exists...

I have the exact same problem as you, Apoklepz. I am currently looking into a way to flash the PSP through the serial port adapter (look here (http://nil.rpc1.org/psp/remote.html)) but so far nobody seems to know how. Sony tech people apparently flash the system through the serial port, but again, no info on how.

There has to be an easier way to do this. We just need some way of accessing flash0. If there was an exploit within a 1.5 UMD game it would probably be much easier. That's probably the first step to a non-hardware solution to this problem.

But hey, I'm open to hardware if it'll fix it, just not an overly expensive modchip that is too difficult for me to solder. I'd just buy a broken PSP and hope for an older firmware before I did that.

July 1st, 2006, 22:53
What about buying a new motherboard?

July 1st, 2006, 23:08
I have thought of buying a new motherboard, but they usually run about 100 USD. Still a bit much for me...

I think buying a broken PSP and taking out the working motherboard would be cheaper. I'm thinking of sending it off to this guy (http://secure.llamma.com/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=66_90&products_id=542) and letting him take care of it, as it would be a bit cheaper.

Not before I watch eBay for a few days and look for a deal on a broken PSP, though...

July 3rd, 2006, 02:31
youre best off getting a modchip. The modchip's firmware loads by defautl, so it will work here. And then from the modchip firmware, you can flash a working topmenu_plugin.rco to the fash and fix it also

hate to be pestimistic, but youre probably not going to find any other solution

July 3rd, 2006, 02:40
dont put him down didnt we all think a 2.6 downgrader was impossible so why is this so impossible to you

July 3rd, 2006, 19:21
Also, the horribly over-priced and difficult to install modchip hardly seems like the best solution to me, especially when the motherboard can just be replaced.

It seems to me that it would be quite easy to unbrick a PSP (afflicted this way) if someone was to code a save-game exploit for a 1.5 UMD game.

July 3rd, 2006, 20:09
The motherboard is obsolete now with the new downgrader being released. Newer psps with the new motherboards dont work with the downgrader, and they are not compatible with the mod chip either.
And with developments of Devhook its only going to get worse for the modchip.

July 6th, 2006, 22:27
OK, I just thought I'd bump my thread because of all the recent downgrading going on recently, thanks to a lot of hard working devs out there...Even though I still hold a brick in my hands, I'd like to share my utmost respect to all these great guys/gals working hard for the community.

Now that being said, I thought about a lot of possibilities that could help us "bricked" PSP users.


As we all know, the answer is "NO". But think about it...If somebody could work an exploit through a 1.50 or 1.00 UMD (a la GTA:LCS) we could indeed play homebrew on partially "bricked" PSPs (meaning they only play inserted 1.00 or 1.50 UMD) and possibly restore the flash through running any PSP Flash alternate applications like Flashmod and a bunch of others.

Can somebody please give this some thought? Now that downgrading 2.6 and 2.5 PSPs to 1.5 is possible....anything is possible...just my two cents.

July 6th, 2006, 22:49
i remember fanjita saying wipeout was a likey candidate for an exploit. but nothings been done.

sorry if this has been mentioned, but, if you put a game in which requires an update, and only close the drive just as the psp boots up, so it doesnt have time to load the umd, do you get to see the umd icon?

July 6th, 2006, 23:03
Wipeout, huh? Here's to wishing somebody answers my prayers soon...

Hey, if it's been mentioned or not, it is still helpful to newcomers to the thread...no problem.

The problem I have with my PSP is that I messed up the text in the main menu, so I really can't see no icons either... Once the background loads after "$ONY COMPUTER ENTERTAINMENT" shows up, it either freezes at the background, with no icons or text showing, only a faint battery icon in the top right corner...or loads the inserted UMD...but only if it's a 1.50 or less UMD.
If the UMD is more than 1.50, then I just get the background freeze into a forced shutdown.

July 7th, 2006, 00:08
i think your case is unique. heres my thinking behind this.
your problem was caused by trying to change the text on the xmb right? well i think that even if they find an exploit it will not be of any use to you. the reason is that to save/load you are dropped back partially to the xmb which performs the save/load. now if you can save/load without problem then an exploit will help you. if thats the case then the damage done to the xmb is confined and any game exploits through save/load will work.

people have been looking for exploits in games since day 1, thats why the only one that exists is gta. it isnt just because its the best game its because it was badly coded. now thats not to say there isnt other possible exploits, im sure there is, but finding one and then being able to use it will take time. your fastest and best hope is a new motherboard or the modchip.
sorry to be the dampener but i think your out of luck unless someone finds an obvious hole in a game and manages to exploit it.

now just a thing to try - what happens when you hold the down key while starting the xmb without a disk in the drive? if you hear the click sounds there may be a way to get to the update. if you dont then nothing ventured nothing gained.

July 7th, 2006, 00:20
Yes, I can save and load without any problems. Yes, the problem only relies on the XMB and trying to get past that. Sorry, no clicking sounds...I've tried it.

Don't feel sorry, I'm actually learning a lot from this experience.

July 7th, 2006, 00:29
nice way of thinking about things

July 7th, 2006, 04:15
Get undiluted platnium mod chip.

July 7th, 2006, 06:39
I know how you feel, once I stubed my toe on a brick and it really hurt.

July 7th, 2006, 15:59
That's mean.


July 7th, 2006, 17:22
Get undiluted platnium mod chip.

I have a better idea...why don't you buy me one.;)

I know how you feel, once I stubed my toe on a brick and it really hurt.

Wow...I'm glad life is working for you that way.:rolleyes:

July 7th, 2006, 17:32
now you should get a paypal donnation thread going
(ill help you get one if you send me the 2.71 firmware files if you can access them through the chip...)

July 7th, 2006, 18:29
(ill help you get one if you send me the 2.71 firmware files if you can access them through the chip...)

How can I do that?

July 13th, 2006, 01:21
Damn man, I just updated while I get up my knowledge on the whole PSP hacking thing. Then when they come out with a 100% working downgrader for my Version, I will begin doing this stuff.

Anyways, sorry man, if I knew anything that could help you, I would help you fix this problem.
I used to know a place, where you could buy like broken PSP's and get parts for all game consoles, with a working chip inside and stuff. That is how I got another Optical Drive for my PS2, since my first one broke.
But I will look it up, all the stuff is cheeaaap, and it tells you what is wrong with the item you want to buy and everything. :D

July 13th, 2006, 04:16
man im really sorry to hear about this
no you thinck the mod chip will actully work
where did you buy it and did you get an extended warenty

once to get a 1.5 firmware psp,(before downgrader)
i told toys r usthem the psp was broken and they didnt even check:D
i bought the toys r us extened warrenty though

July 13th, 2006, 16:51
I used to know a place, where you could buy like broken PSP's and get parts for all game consoles, with a working chip inside and stuff. That is how I got another Optical Drive for my PS2, since my first one broke.
But I will look it up, all the stuff is cheeaaap, and it tells you what is wrong with the item you want to buy and everything. :D

That would be very helpful of you, thanks.

where did you buy it and did you get an extended warenty

I got my PSP on day 1 when it came out here in the U.S.A...at GameStop....I've never cared much about waranties, but still, my PSP is already more than a year old, so if I did have a waranty it would be voided already.

July 14th, 2006, 16:33
i unfortunately have the same problem with you cause I did the same thing with theme creator Pack...and that file...I should have read this thread before i did the flashing but...:(
i see that there is no solution...:(

July 14th, 2006, 18:23
if you can use wipeout pure's hacked web browser download the origonal file that got corrupted and save it to the root of your memory stick to overwrite the currupt file

July 14th, 2006, 18:56
Gizmo....saving the topmenu_plugin.rco file to the root of my memory stick will not overwrite the corrupted flash file....for the last time...lol just kidding, but it won't, it doesn't work that easily.

July 14th, 2006, 19:01
you know what then go f**k your self dont talk to me ever again.

lol just playin but i wish it was that easy

July 14th, 2006, 19:20
how much did u payed whole?,and installed

July 14th, 2006, 19:21
FINE THEN!!! (slams door and goes to the nearest bar to drink Guiness) lol

Yeah, I know what you mean...BTW, I do have the original file just sitting there on the MS root, It's been there ever since I bricked my PSP...Oh well, good thing I'm finally getting it modded.

I have a friend of the family who is a computer techie for a local hospital...He also has an inside contact person that works for newegg.com

They're helping me get the UP chip for $70 U.S. and my friend and me went over the installation diagrams last night, and he says he's more than confident that he can do it...He's already performed various mods to other consoles before, like the PSone modchip, the old GameBoy Advance Afterburner inside lights for his son's, and recently he toyed around with the insides of an Xbox 360, although I forgot what mod he did on it...But yeah, I'm really excited, and we're probably gonna have some nice B.B.Q. and beer on that day, too...so It'll be a lot of fun.

July 14th, 2006, 20:41
So maybe thats the solution too for me...(or a new motherboard...)...i know about soldering and I have done some easy things but soldering to psp for me is too risky...:(

July 15th, 2006, 18:07
Does anyone know if I can use the custom firmware concept?

July 17th, 2006, 17:29
I suppose you could, but how would you flash your current firmware in the first place if you can't access any applications? The only way I've thought of is thru a UMD game save exploit, kinda like how GTA works homebrew for 2.60 firmware PSP's...If this could only be done through a 1.50 UMD (the only ones we can play on our half bricks right now) then I'm sure we could load any of the flash alternate homebrew applications and possibly restore our PSP's. But I do not know that this could be done yet...Somebody mentioned earlier in this thread of a possible WipeOut pure Exploit that supposedly Fanjita himself had talked about...But since everybody can play homebrew on 1.50, the urge to work on such an exploit is pointless....If only they knew how many bricks they could save and prevent at the same time.

July 17th, 2006, 19:16
the custom firmware concept is an idea that has been put to pratical use. it has a failsafe that allows you to trick your version into thinking its a 1.0 so you can run the 1.5 update. it is of no use to those who have already bricked there psp's but for someone who likes to protect there investment its a godsend - needless to say i am using it myself.

July 17th, 2006, 19:29
Oh so what you're saying is I didn't care about messing up my "investment" in the first place when I altered my flash? If that's your point, you must take to consideration that I did indeed do my careful research before doing so...I didn't just go ahead and messed it up because I'm rich, snotty and could care less for it because I can buy another one....cause I'm really not...I have an average salary of $15 an hour and have to pay rent, car, power, water, cable ,food and college loans...so, it's not like I could just afford putting my PSP to waste in the first place....I however do own a second PSP, but that was a joint collaboration between one of my neighbours and me, so I didn't pay for it fully.

Please understand I'm not madly ranting off at you, I just want to make it clear that I just didn't go along and brick my PSP just for the Heck of it...I did my research first, and overlooking the steps, I still don't know what went wrong.

July 17th, 2006, 19:47
i was sorry to read your story abour your psp. but i do believe if u read the work on pspupdates about proof of conxept u will find that u might be able to restore your psp.
may i suggest u contact the owner of the thread so u can get precise details in regards to solving your problem.
and in future if u wise to change the font maybe u should usethe skylark program and phacker from the above site then u won't be able to brick your psp through bad fonts.......
anyway best of luck
i myself am pretty sure u can save your psp but as i said check the forum for the correct method....

July 17th, 2006, 19:55
Thanks. Will do, but I didn't mess the PSP's flash with the Font change hack...that went smooth...what killed it was the menu name change hack...Just to clear that up.

July 17th, 2006, 22:32
i didnt mean it quite that way i was trying to point out it could have been used to recover a psp if this mod was done beforehand. i didnt mean to imply that you were careless or doing it on purpose. in fact this mod is as dangerous as the mod that you tried but this one if successfull could be used to fix your particular problem if this was available beforehand. unfortunatly it wasnt. anyway apologies for the misunderstanding.

July 18th, 2006, 07:32
i bricked my psp wile changing the opening_sound.rco but mine is a ful brick and the mod chip does unbrick your psp you need 2 psp the seocnd one has to have 1.50 frimware there are instructions o hwo to do ti but i forgot were they were =/ im contempolating on buying a motherboard ro the mod chip but the mod chip would be to rpice for me and id ont now enyone that can solder it ether

July 18th, 2006, 10:46
So there is no solution except modchip and the UMD 1.5 exploit...I prefer the second solution cause I can't install the modchip...but its not gonna come...:(
Maybe we can send an e-mail to fajita or dark_alex and ask them if they could or maybe have done an exploit for 1.5...

July 18th, 2006, 11:40
the whole world would know by now if there was an exploit for 1.5 because eveyone would probably have been using it. however since the change of firmwares by sony the hackers have been concentrating on 2.x firmware hacks so maybe noones looking for a 1.5 hack anymore.

July 18th, 2006, 12:53
too bad u guys couldnt have used this custom firmware. You could have just booted to the recovery menu, then turned on usb, copied over an update, and reflash. I pity you guys, best wishes on getting it fixed.

July 18th, 2006, 15:39
how about wrapping the gta eloader in a wipeout save?
probably wont work though...

forget it

July 18th, 2006, 17:09
i didnt mean it quite that way i was trying to point out it could have been used to recover a psp if this mod was done beforehand. i didnt mean to imply that you were careless or doing it on purpose. in fact this mod is as dangerous as the mod that you tried but this one if successfull could be used to fix your particular problem if this was available beforehand. unfortunatly it wasnt. anyway apologies for the misunderstanding.

Apology accepted. I think it was me who misunderstood you in the first place, so my bad there too. Sorry.

the mod chip does unbrick your psp you need 2 psp the seocnd one has to have 1.50 frimware

Oye Boricua! You've got some explaining to do...You can't just cut off another "compatriota" like that...:p
I beg you please, from one Boricua to another... retract to your source and post a link up here. I think it would not only be helpful to me, but to a lot of people, too...So please, do your best to find this information that you already came across once...It is very valuable...Search your browser's history and cookies if you have to...don't leave a single stone unturned. I think I'm being a little overly dramatic here, but I hope you get the point. Gracias tipo.:cool:

Maybe we can send an e-mail to fajita or dark_alex and ask them if they could or maybe have done an exploit for 1.5...

Well, I haven't exactly emailed either of them...but I did however post about my 1/2 brick problem and linked back to this thread, in various forums where dar_alex frequents...like pspdev and pspupdates, but I'm afraid as of yet, my pleads have gone unanswered and on ocassion (pspupdates) I've been flamed at by 3 year olds. I've yet to try consulting Fanjita...Anybody know the best way to get in touch with the guy/girl?

the whole world would know by now if there was an exploit for 1.5 because eveyone would probably have been using it.

Yeah, I know...It's called the Kxploit method, and that was discovered eons ago, then people looked forward in making exploits possible on other firmwares...We all know that. What I'm talking about is a second alternative of an exploit for 1.50 that hasn't yet been implemented...but it supposedly has been thought of, after the GTA exploit through game save method came out...I don't know...maybe it'll never be done, but I do consider it a possibility that'll help unbrick my PSP, since I can run a 1.50 or less UMD and save data too on my PSP.

however since the change of firmwares by sony the hackers have been concentrating on 2.x firmware hacks so maybe noones looking for a 1.5 hack anymore.

Exactly. That's why this mentioned 2ND exploit hasn't even been looked into...It's called supply and demand my friend.

how about wrapping the gta eloader in a wipeout save?
probably wont work though...

Now that's a thought. But I don't think it would be that easy...Someone refresh my memory for a second...the GTA eloader boots thru the GTA UMD or through the XMB save data of GTA?

July 18th, 2006, 19:40
the GTA eloader boots from the GTA UMD...when it loads the game...if Gta was 1.5 that would be perfect...lol..i wonder if we try whts gonna happen...

July 18th, 2006, 21:01
the eloader boots through the gta load screen(i think, ive never used it) but wipeout automatically loads its updates ( extra level packs) during its normal load screen(it takes forever when you have them all on there!!)
im guessing the update packs are the biggest chance of an exploit as the game is meant to run external data... which possibly could be swapped for an eloader

send a message to fanjita and ditlew if you can, they may be able to find something(if they want)

July 24th, 2006, 20:03
Hya everyone.

I just thought I'd bump my thread to share these news I found at Eurasia ... The Epsilon BIOS has been released, and it claims to unbrick your PSP's original flash...read on for the full skinny. BTW, for those of you wondering, I still don't have a modchip...It appears my contact got confused and fetched a PS2 modchip instead of a PSP's...I'm glad I hadn't payed for it yet...Oh, well...here's the article:

[source: Eurasia / EpsilonBios-UsersGuide.pdf]

Epsilon BIOS is a custom flash "replacement" for the Sony PSP which unleashes the full potential of your handheld, allowing you to both use homebrew software and run UMD ISO games from your Memory Stick on the latest firmware releases while also enjoying the impressive features built into the operating system such as RSS feeds, WMA support etc. Currently the 2.71 firmware release is supported. It is important to note that Epsilon BIOS is not standalone firmware replacement but more like a bootloader. It works using the dual-firmware system provided by the Undiluted Platinum hardware modification by loading when the PSP is initially powered on, then once running executes and "piggybacks" the real firmware stored in your PSP flash memory. Due to the way this works it is NOT possible to use Epsilon BIOS unless your PSP has an U.P. hardware modification installed.


- Runs alongside 2.71 firmware, so you get all the features of 2.71 such as RSS feeds, web browser etc combined with the advantages of homebrew software and ISO loading.
- Allows execution of homebrew software in kernel mode, removing all limits previously in place while running homebrew on firmware versions above 1.50.
- Ultra reliable, near transparent UMD emulation allowing users to run their games from a Memory Stick with ease, including games which require 2.0+ firmware without rebuilding the ISO or relying on nasty hacks.
- Support for compressed ISO files for UMD emulation, allowing you to fit more games onto your Memory stick at one time.
- Built-in recovery menu which can be used to update your Epsilon BIOS installation or restore your PSP flash contents if it becomes "bricked".

Functional Description

As described above, Epsilon BIOS can be compared to a "bootloader". It is stored on the U.P. flash memory and executed when your PSP is powered on. Once Epsilon BIOS is running it loads and "piggybacks" the real firmware from the PSP flash. Currently only 2.71 firmware is supported, you must upgrade your PSP onboard firmware to 2.71 in order to use Epsilon BIOS. If you attempt to boot Epsilon BIOS with an unsupported firmware version you will be taken to the recovery menu where you can upgrade the PSP firmware. The great thing about Epsilon BIOS is that since the "bootloader" always runs before the real firmware we can apply whatever patches are necessary to disable - whatever protection Sony tries to add in the future, making a U.P. modified PSP using Epsilon BIOS very future proof.

With Epsilon BIOS you can run homebrew software (EBOOT files) directly from the OS main screen. Kernel mode applications are also supported meaning there are no limits when it comes to homebrew software. Both 1.00 and 1.50 style EBOOT's are supported.

UMD emulation is handled almost transparently. You do not need to launch a separate application in order to load your UMD games from the memory stick, all the ISO's you have stored on your Memory stick are listed alongside your homebrew applications in the "Game-Memory Stick" screen and executed from there. Copying new games to your Memory stick is easy, simply enable the USB connection and copy ISO's to the "ISOS" directory in the root of your memory stick. Please note that each time you change the contents of the ISOS directory a cache file containing the icons etc for each game must be updated, and this will cause a slight delay while viewing the "Game-Memory Stick"

Compressed ISO's are supported for UMD emulation using our own custom format, "Epsilon ZIP". Using the "Epsilon ZIP Tool" included in the archive you can convert UMD ISO files into EZIP files and vice versa. Simply copy the EZIP files into the same location as normal ISO files in order to play them.

Epsilon BIOS includes a recovery mode which can be used to update the PSP onboard firmware, restore a bricked PSP or upgrade your Epsilon BIOS installation. If there are any problems while booting then you will be presented with the recovery menu. To forcefully enter the recovery menu, hold SELECT+START when you power on the PSP.


Epsilon BIOS is broken into two distinct parts: the bootloader and the core. The bootloader is programmed to U.P. flash from the PC and is what actually takes control of the system when you first power on your PSP. The bootloader attempts to load the core installed in U.P. flash; if the core has not yet been installed or there is another problem you will be taken to the recovery menu. When you first program the Epsilon bootloader onto your U.P. you will need to install the core separately since it is not bundled inside the bootloader flash image. However, whenever an Epsilon BIOS core update is released you simply copy the update file onto your Memory Stick then use the recovery menu to update the core. This system is much safer and more user friendly than having to reprogram the U.P. flash from the PC each time you update which would be required if the bootloader and core were integrated.

Installing the Bootloader

1. Turn on the PSP while holding LEFT to enable U.P. programming mode
2. AFTER the PSP has turned on, connect the USB cable to the U.P.
3. Program the bootloader flash image (epsilonBootloader*.flash) to U.P using the flashing tool
4. Cold restart the PSP by cycling power

Installing/Updating the Epsilon BIOS Core

Updates and the initial installation of the Epsilon BIOS core are handled through the Epsilon recovery menu. To enter the recovery menu hold SELECT+START while you power on the PSP. The procedure to install/upgrade the BIOS is as follows:

1. Copy EBUPDATE.BIN to the root directory of your memory stick. This can be done via the
recovery menu by selecting "Memory Stick USB" or with a card reader, PSP XMB etc
2. Select "Update Epsilon BIOS", then hit X to confirm
3. Once the installation/update is complete the PSP will power off.

Notes Regarding Homebrew

As the majority of homebrew software currently available is designed to run on the 1.50 kernel we decided that for compatibility reasons it would be best to have Epsilon BIOS load the 1.50 kernel instead of 2.x when running homebrew software. This is possible since the Epsilon BIOS bootloader is actually based on the 1.50 firmware so when running homebrew software the kernel is loaded from U.P. flash rather than PSP onboard flash. The only known issue with this method relates to wireless network configuration - since the 1.50 kernel does not support WPA encryption you will need to configure your PSP to use WEP if you wish to use WIFI enabled homebrew software.

Recovery Menu

To forcefully enter the recovery menu hold SELECT+START while you power on the PSP. The Epsilon BIOS recovery menu from the 1.0 bootloader has the following menu selections:

1. Memory Stick USB – Enables the USB connection between the PSP and PC for transferring files. This is the same as the USB connection in the PSP XMB.
2. Update Epsilon BIOS – Installs an Epsilon BIOS core update from the memory stick. The update file must be named EBUPDATE.BIN and placed in the root directory of the memory stick.
3. Launch Firmware Updater – Launches an official Sony firmware updater EBOOT stored on the memory stick at /PSP/GAME/UPDATE/EBOOT.BIN. You may use this feature to both upgrade and downgrade your PSP onboard firmware version. Please take note first of the following important facts:

a. Epsilon BIOS releases are only compatible with certain firmware versions. If you flash your PSP to an unsupported version you will be taken to the recovery menu by the bootloader until such time as a supported firmware version is installed.
b. In order to downgrade your firmware certain files must be modified in your PSP onboard firmware so the official Sony updater *thinks* you have a very early firmware version installed. There are always risks involved with modifying your onboard firmware and such an action can be potentially hazardous to your data. Please note that when upgrading the firmware version no files need to be edited so this warning does not apply.

4. Restore onboard NAND – Used to “un-brick” a PSP by programming a known good flash dump (such as a dump of 1.0 or 1.50 firmware) to your PSP onboard NAND flash. The flash image must be a file called “nandImage.flash” in the root of the memory stick, in the same format used by the UP flasher tool (512bytes user + 16bytes extra for each page, interleaved).
5. Shutdown PSP – self-explanatory :)

Version Information

Epsilon BIOS v1.0 - Bootloader v1.0, Core v1.0
Required onboard firmware: 2.71


Q: Why do I get a 0x86660000 error when I try to launch a Sony firmware upgrade?
A: Epsilon BIOS blocks you from trying to install firmware versions that are not supported by the installed core. If you wish to upgrade to a new firmware, you might first need to upgrade Epsilon BIOS to a version which supports said firmware.
Q: From firmware 2.6 and up, PRX files are protected with a new encryption method. How did you figure out how to decrypt these files?
A: As most people will now be aware, the discovery of the 2.6 kmode exploit lead to decryption of modules using the new encryption method. However when we started working on this the kernel mode exploit was unknown so we took a different approach to reach our goal, one that doesn’t rely on exploits so should allow us to easily hack new firmware releases in the future once Sony changes the encryption method again. Here’s how we did it - warning: this is a bit technical, which unfortunately is required to give a proper answer. Since we couldn't get a dump of kernel memory from a PSP running the 2.6 firmware, the only way to figure out how to decrypt the 2.6 PRX files was to disassemble the IPL and see how this decrypted the files while the PSP is booting. Unfortunately, Sony used a clever trick in the 2.6 IPL to prevent hackers disassembling it. They read out some data from the reset vector and use it to decrypt the main portion of the IPL code. The problem here is that by the time we can run code on the PSP, any attempt to read out this data will be in vain as it gets scrambled inside the IPL. However, through some hardcore trickery we found a way to dump the data at the reset vector which enabled us to decrypt the main portion of the IPL code and then use this to figure out how the 2.6 PRX files were encrypted. The same encryption method and keys are used in 2.7 and 2.71, so when 2.7 came out we had this dumped and decrypted very quickly. There is nothing left now they can use to hide the IPL so when the 3.0 firmware eventually comes out its highly likely the encryption will have changed again but it shouldn’t take too long to figure it out. Sorry to give you the bad news Sony.. the hackers win another round, you cannot hide your firmware from our eyes anymore ;)

July 31st, 2006, 13:12
It's likely that there will eventually be a way to run an exploit on a different game - and it also seems likely that people looking for such an exploit would look in a game that lots of people have - so a v1.5-compatible game would be a likely choice.

However - it also seems likely that any exploit that included a way to fix your PSP would also need to have some sort of access to your XMB to set it up, or at least get it onto your memory stick.

I'd guess that your best bet is to look into the hardware unbricking methods - otherwise, you'll be waiting for an exploit to come along that might or might not help, and it looks like the odds are against you on that.

July 31st, 2006, 16:10
Hey thanks for the informative post, Mr. Fanjita. It's quite an honor for me to finally have your say about this in my thread.

I think with the way I'm sitting down money-wise right now, it's likely for me to be patient and wait for such an exploit....I recently got a new car and I've been forced to put my consumer hungry manners away for a long while...Thank god for emulation on my PC.

About my PSP...I'd like to add, that I do have access to the memory stick, but not directly through the XMB, of course...So, given that I can save and load data for 1.50 UMD games on my partial brick, is it possible to make an exploit of that kind? You know, a kind of exploit that would load through a game save....or even through one of those Wipeout Pure content Packs?

Also, it would be no problem at all for me to put the exploit to the memory stick, I recently purchased both the card adapter and the card dock adapter for a measily $10 U.S.

l Zero Fox l
August 2nd, 2006, 18:07
hey cant there be like an exploit to load dev hook? then you could emulate your firmware, then update then downgrade? cause from what i understand the eloader doesnt work for you?

August 2nd, 2006, 19:24
Well yeah, eloader is not intended for 1.50 firmware which I have, and word is that Devhook is considered ilegal by Sony right now, so my chances are kinda slim for that part...I really don't know what could be done there.

August 2nd, 2006, 20:26
apparently only devhook 0.43fix is illegal according to sony...

August 2nd, 2006, 20:41
Yeah...What Sony doesn't understand is that both hackers and pirates alike will do whatever they want with the PSP until the day Sony stops pushing updates and allows official homebrew functionality...which will probably never happen.

August 2nd, 2006, 21:42
that version may be the only one there after right now but it hasnt stopped ookm from removing devhook completly from the japanese site that usually hosts devhook. at least thats the way i read the news post. and if they find a reason to remove all devhooks they will - there requesting to speak to booster regarding this so i think devhooks future is in serious doubt.

August 5th, 2007, 22:47
my psp boots and crashes what is goinging on

August 5th, 2007, 22:50
thanx for bringing back a year old thread :/

August 5th, 2007, 22:58
thanx for bringing back a year old thread :/

what man

August 5th, 2007, 23:03
i need help humans!!!

August 5th, 2007, 23:05
dont double post,
whats your problem?

August 5th, 2007, 23:26
whats ure problem

August 5th, 2007, 23:32
. . . .
i meant that you needed help... so whats the problem?

August 5th, 2007, 23:34
my psp is bricked it starts and crashes

August 5th, 2007, 23:43
go to recovery menu if u have custom firmware. if u dont then ur screwed

and u shouldve made a new thread about this..

August 5th, 2007, 23:55
what version do you have???

August 6th, 2007, 02:03
ive got 1.50 im screwed right

August 6th, 2007, 03:39
yep pretty much.

August 10th, 2007, 14:42
So no recovery menu...that's unfortunate, man.

March 23rd, 2009, 06:46
[B]HELP ME!!,my psp is fully bricked,when i turn on my psp.the screen is black,but the green light is lighting up and after 7 sec the green light dissappear.is there any other way to fix my bricked psp?,actually i format my flash 1,then EXIT,and there it goes.BRICKED.,,plzz help me..:( ,i want to fix it without using any tools..i just want some downlinks..huhuhu,,IM SO SAD.Y_Y..:(:(:(:(