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View Full Version : Piranha - asteroids type shooter

June 5th, 2006, 23:57
Piranha by D-Designs

I bet zero of you have played this game, but it was the absolute BEST 360° space shooter that was ever created. The music was awesome, the graphics were actually pretty good, and the weapon upgrade system was amazing.

Oh man I would absolutely die if anyone ported this game. It's so simple, and yet so awesome. Lol, and the best part? I bought it for 2 dollars at CompUSA seriously 10 years ago.

I believe it's abandonware, and available on this site. If not, I'll post some screenshots or something...

free-game-downloads.mosw.com/abandonware/ pc/arcade_action/games_pi_py/piranha.html

June 6th, 2006, 02:41
Its not open source...
