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View Full Version : i believe i bricked my psp i seriously need help

June 6th, 2006, 19:01
ok so i tried 2 change the fonts using flashmod and it keeps coming up with a something is corrupt screen and thats all it does i believe it cant boot up the fonts because i ****ed it all up i need some serious help so if anyone has any ideas i am willing to try anything please for the love of god help me because obviously im a stupid ass n00b

June 6th, 2006, 19:16
If you press O on the corrupted settings screen, it should fix it. If not, too bad.

June 6th, 2006, 20:13
i do press o and nothing it brings the screen back up

June 6th, 2006, 20:34

should never ever mess with flash unless you know exactly what your doing(or are rich)

June 6th, 2006, 20:38
my name is rich but thats about as close as i come LoL

June 6th, 2006, 20:59
well if the modchip is real you can unbrick your psp with it when it comes out thats your only hope

June 6th, 2006, 21:23
ya i thought of that but do u have any idea when its supposed 2 be released???

June 6th, 2006, 21:48
i think its meant to coming out in a few weeks

June 6th, 2006, 22:35
awesome i was thinking of going out and buying a new one but i think ill give the modchip a try first

June 7th, 2006, 00:12
Try restarting your psp a couple of times. Then try pressing O everytime you restart it until it gets fixed. This is what they tell you to do when downgrading, if this problem occurs. Just keep doing this.

June 7th, 2006, 20:22
Hey man, I'm sorry to hear that. I guess we're stuck in the same boat... Have you tried powering on the PSP with a UMD inside it? Are you at least able to play UMDs like me? What happens when you get the message... is the text screwed up?

I don't want to bother you with so many questions, it's just that seeing your PSP is in a similar status than mine I'd like to try and help, if only a little...that's all.

Looks like our hope relies on the U.P. modchip. But, since we're not rich, I would recommend to wait till somebody comfirms that they fixed their bricked PSP before I actually go out and buy one. I sure wouldn't want to waste my time & money on it if it won't fix my 1.50. It took me a while to get some money together to actually buy a second PSP v2.70 wich is the one I'm currently taking along with me when I leave home...The real deal is...well..."meditating" at home. If this modchip fixes my 1.50, I'll probably put it in my 2.70 afterwards, for homebrews sake...Or I might even end up selling my 2.70 altoghether...Hmmm, choices...I think I'm getting way ahead of myself here, though.

Let's look on the bright side... If this modchip really works, then it's release is already around the corner.... Imagine having to wait as long as some people have for it when the first brick happened.

Back to current events, I still haven't found out anything about PSP serial port access, like someone reccomended. So if you do, please PM me bro. Although, I'd rather deal with installing a modchip that dealing with that...I have experience with computer parts assembly and have already performed many difficult modding tasks on my equipment myself. The last thing I did for my cousin was to pimp his PSP with the PSP2TV mod & it worked like a charm.

June 8th, 2006, 21:54
thanks for the help i tried with a umd in but it keeps giving me the blue erroe screen so it looks like im shit out of luck

June 8th, 2006, 21:59
hey i was able to boot it up with metal gear acid but should i try to update it to 2.00 or would it not work due to the fact that i didnt really convert the fonts to .pfg i just renamed the .ttf files being the ultra n00b that i am i thought it could work (obviousley it didnt) well pm if you guys have any suggestions

Illegal Machine
June 9th, 2006, 04:22
hey i was able to boot it up with metal gear acid but should i try to update it to 2.00 or would it not work due to the fact that i didnt really convert the fonts to .pfg i just renamed the .ttf files being the ultra n00b that i am i thought it could work (obviousley it didnt) well pm if you guys have any suggestions

wow you shouldnt have done that..

and yes your PSP is totally done. stick a fork in it

June 9th, 2006, 06:01
ya but the mod chip can fix it right?

June 9th, 2006, 18:50
yes the mod chip can fix it, but I would definatly try upadating to 2.00.

June 9th, 2006, 20:43
but i didnt convert the font types i just renamed them so i was wondering when you upgrade soes it automatically rewrie everything to flash or what or can i even upgrade because it wont let me go to the main menu?

June 9th, 2006, 22:14
That's a good question... but wait a second, your metal gear acid UMD has a 2.00 update? I thought that was a launch game, meaning 1.50. My copy at least didn't have a 2.00 update. It was the first PSP game I had...beat it, made an Iso copy for keeps & sold it.

June 10th, 2006, 15:00
ahoy pirate scum

metal gear acid cant have a 2.0
my uk version even has a 1.5
anyway you need the menu to upgrade


June 10th, 2006, 21:26
ya my mga dosent have an upgrade i was talking about upgrading it with another umb but it dosent do anything so im gonna have 2 get the modchip or even get a new psp version 1.5 so let me know if you stumble apon some cheap ones because im not that rich but i need my PSP i use it more than my 360 (i got it for a Present)

June 12th, 2006, 22:06
Hey man. I just thought I'd drop by to say hello.
Anyways, a guy named novo just posted this on my thread ....

wow.. i cant believe no ones else has thought of this..
i did a similiar thing editing my text awhile back..
just start it up and yank out the battery until it gives you the error screen and you can press O and it will fix the problem for you.. restoring the flash defaults..

It sounds a bit risky, but I might try it out later tonight.

June 13th, 2006, 16:54
Hey, man.

I guess what he meant was to try this out during an update... But I can't even reach an update in my PSP, so nothing happens, but the PSP just turns off.