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November 14th, 2009, 22:18
Uberjack has posted this update on his site:

It’s been a while since I last wrote a post, so I thought it only fair to update on my recent work.

I considered the requests to write another port of Castaway, and actually began porting two different versions to PSP. Both attempts ended similarly – 4-color mode works, but the 16-color mode sets the emulator in an infinite loop, from which it never exits. My attempts to get in touch with the earlier developer of Castaway (PSP) were unsuccessful, so after about a week of hitting brick walls, I abandoned the work. I may still return to it eventually (VICE PSP was shelved for about 3 months before I got it to work), but I’m not completely certain, and would rather not make any promises I can’t keep.

Other than that, I got a Google Android phone recently, and found myself fascinated with the platform. The idea that one can actually look at the source code of one’s own cellular phone seems almost surreal, yet it’s very much a reality. I’m currently working on an XBox Live Profile viewer, which will be releasing soon – if you’re interested, check back in a while. I’m fairly certain that I will not be porting any emulators to the platform, as its controls are woefully inadequate for proper game enjoyment, and the platform is more or less limited to Java development (read: managed platform; considerable speed limitations).

That said, I’m not abandoning PSP development. But I do feel like I should take a break for a while.
