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View Full Version : Football Manager 2007

June 8th, 2006, 23:55
News From CVG (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=141216)

Just in time for the World Cup too! With all thoughts turning to the Coupe du Monde for the next couple of months, we've just had hot-off-the-presses confirmation from Sega that Sports Interactive's superb life-swallowing Football Manager will be reborn in time for Christmas this year, with FM 2007 launching across PC, Xbox 360 and PSP, oh and Mac and Intel Mac too.

Marvellous, and it's sure to bring a rousing huzzah from all serious FM fans and groans of disappointment from their assorted spouses as they anticipate watching their loved one's spare time being consumed by FM.

The usual new host of features and additions are promised of course, and while SI is being a touch coy on most of them, the couple of details it's let slip is that the Xbox 360 version will have a new and improved interface to make it more joypad friendly. On the PSP score, there'll be additional playable leagues and most excitingly of all, a new network play option which allows head-to-head PSP managerial conflict.

Miles Jacobson, Studio Director for SI said, "We are constantly striving for perfection and are on track to deliver our most authentic football experience yet. There will be a new, easy to use default skin, as well as improved hints and tips throughout the game. More in-depth feedback from your assistant manager and coaches, plus interaction with any player worldwide makes this an unmissable and very user friendly experience, and our best football game by a country mile."

He's not wrong you know. Sega and SI are promising to unveil further details over the coming months and we'll be dispatching our scouts down to SI to bring you further details as soon as we can. For the moment though, you'll just have to dream of FM glory and content yourself with this summer's festival of football.