View Full Version : Myst Press Release

June 9th, 2006, 00:01
Midway Games Ltd., a subsidiary of Midway Games Inc. (NYSE: MWY), today announced a European publishing agreement (excluding South Africa, Australia and New Zealand) for Myst™ on PSP, the latest version of the epic adventure from Cyan Worlds. Over a decade since PC adventurers first sampled the delights of Myst’s emotive and visual feasts, the new handheld development will engage the player like never before and literally take them to another world.

There are no instructions and the player begins a voyage of exploration without encountering a single living soul. Alone on a mysterious island, you set out to explore its grandeur and mystery. Here a chilling tale of intrigue and injustice, defying all boundaries of space and time, is being told. Quickly, though, it becomes clear every action can somehow help unfortunate individuals trapped somewhere in a parallel dimension. The Myst adventure is like no other, tantalizing with its unique combination of lavish environments, puzzles, mazes, and a sizzling underlying drama which steadily unfolds to reward the player further still. More details about the game and release information will be made available shortly.

Martin Spiess, Managing Director - Europe of Midway Games Limited, offered, “We’re thrilled to be bringing one of the best known and most successful game franchises to this handheld format for the first time. Myst promises a one-of-a-kind adventure experience and contribute to the broadening of our PSP portfolio.”

Manny J. Granillo, President & Chief Designer of Hoplite Research, LLC, stated, "Finding the right partner with the right vision and who is in touch with what gamers want is always a challenge. We are delighted that we can work with such a strong publisher as Midway."

June 9th, 2006, 03:10
I've said this before, so I'll say it again.

Head to the Peer (Model Ship), do the Puzzle to open the Trapdoor on said Peer. Head back to the Libaray use the Map you've got from the Peer Puzzel in the Fireplace. THE END!

Oh yeah that's worth about the €60.00(EUR), that they'll surely be asking for this Title!

I've got some better Ideas! Hows about 'em doing a Port of Riven, or the last Myst Game (Myst Five? IIRC),. Given the PSP's™ uniqueness for Wi-Fi and the chance to give MMORPG's a chance, and remake that MYST On-Line Game, for the PSP™?!

June 9th, 2006, 03:15
Ahh myst..Good times....getting trapped in a wall...getting stuck in a green book...red book...blue book...falling through the sky...gooood times...

June 9th, 2006, 11:03
Yeah they were, but would you be willing to pay PSP™ Prices to relive those ~Good Times~?! Personaly I don't think I would. If they do the inconceivable thing and sell this Game for a Bargen-Basement Price. Say ca. €20.00(EUR), I'd probably pick it up. But for the norm. €49.00~59.00(EUR), that Retailers want for PSP™ Content. They could just keep it, and I'll just fire up the 'ol P-100 and replay Myst on that. Much cheaper.

But, having played it and haveing played it in under Five Minutes (Yes it can be done!), I just don't have the need to wish to repaly it again.

Again see above for some better options for the Devs., to possibly concider. Like Uhu: The Ages Beyond MYST. (a.k.a MYST On-Line), Coudn't recall the Name Last-night.

June 10th, 2006, 16:25
Uh, huh, nowhere does it say that this will be a port of the original Myst (which has been ported a half dozen times allready), but rather a "one-of-a-kind adventure experience." And if it is going to be a port of the original, I think it would be more of a RealMYST port. But I'd really like to see a completely new Myst, especially since they said the franchise was ending with Myst 5.