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View Full Version : Nintendo DS feels a Tingle

June 9th, 2006, 16:02
If you've been following Nintendo's Zelda series since Majora's Mask hit the N64 way back when, you should be more than a little familiar with the character Tingle - the camp fairy... thing... who tends to polarise gamer's opinions somewhere between 'love' and 'want to beat to death with a sledgehammer'.

Anyway, Nintendo announced that Tingle would be getting his very own DS RPG last year but news has been thin on the ground since then, with some sources claiming the game had been ditched. However, the latest issue of Famitsu has brand new information on the game, which is still alive and well and - by all accounts - completely and utterly bonkers.

Advertisement:Now known as Japan as Mogitate Tingle Bara Iro Rupee Land, which apparently translates roughly to Fresh Tingle's Rose Colored Rupee Land, you'll play Tingle from his humble beginnings as a normal man. Shortly after the game starts, you'll meet up with Rupeeji who tasks you with collecting rupees (the Hyrule currency in Zelda).

On accepting the quest, you're transformed into the Tingle we all know and love - or want to beat to death with a sledgehammer - and must embark on an adventure involving lots and lots of money. It seems you'll need money for all sorts of things, including making other characters very happy. Other than the fact you're accompanied by a girl fairy called Pingle, not much more is known about the game at this point.

However, Fresh Tingle's Rose Colored Rupee Land (which we really, really hope Nintendo doesn't choose to rename when the game arrives over here) is currently scheduled for release later this year, so more details should follow swiftly.

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via cvg (http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=141282)