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June 10th, 2006, 15:16
I have a question about setting up the whole homebrew thing. I am about to buy these tools:

Max Media
Supercard SD

I have a SD Memory card already.

So all I do is:

1) put the homebrew apps on the SD Memory card

2) put the SD Memory card into the SuperCard SD

3) Insert the Supercard SD into the gba slot of the DS

4) Insert the Max Media into the DS slot

5) Turn on the DS and choose homebrew applications from the Memory Card?

Is Max Media just like the Superpass, only better? Is Max Media like a file browser for the SD Memory Card?

I just wanted to make sure of these things before I put the money into it. This stuff gets expensive fast! lol

June 10th, 2006, 20:36
You got it all correct; except you'll have to convert some of your homebrew and roms to be compatible with the supercard. Dont worry though, thats all documented when you buy the supercard, and its really quite simple, it comes with a nice little program for it.

Yes, its just like superpass, and yes its much better. It is a file browser as well.

Also, for all of your gba homebrew needs, and trust me you'll want to run some gba emulators because they are faster than their ds counterparts sometimes, all you need is the supercard. It will also function as a file browser when running gba homebrew.

BTW: Thats the exact setup my friend has, and it all works very well. I think you chose the best "bundle" of devices, for the cheapest price. I have yet to buy my own homebrew stuff, but that will be what i get when i do.

June 10th, 2006, 22:31
You said I would need to buy a superpass for my gba homebrew needs. I only plan on using ds homebrew files and maybe some gba roms (legal ones of course). Since I want to play some gba games, do i still have to buy the superpass?

Can I just buy the Max Media Dock w/ 1GB card and use all of the homebrew apps I want? Can I also play any of the GBA roms (again, the legal ones) with it? This setup seems perfect as it only takes up one slot and only costs $79 plus shipping. 1GB is a lot of space for a DS.

Thanks for all of your help.

June 11th, 2006, 04:19
Sorry you must have miss read, I said all you would need is the supercard (lol and i promise i didnt change it in my edit). But yea, you'll still need the supercard and the max media launcher for nintendo ds homebrew.

You mention gba roms... all the gba roms ive used have ran perfectly with the supercard, however some people have said that it runs the gba roms slowly, so you may want to do some research. If you decide you dont think the supercard will work for your gba needs, you might need to upgrade your sd card cart to an m3 adapter. I dont know much about this though, so get suggestions from elsewhere, sorry. If you have any more questions though, ask away.