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View Full Version : Handbags at Dawn - Mathieulh accuses FreePlay over the Recent Mercury Exploit

November 23rd, 2009, 20:26
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=34000&view_reply=1

We are the usual. Does not pass a single day of the publication of the exploit for firmware 6:10 which, like a bolt from the blue and resumed speaking after months of silence Mathieulh, one of the members of Team C + D. In a speech on MforMature and then replicated even on MaxConsole, the coder FreePlay accused of stealing an exploit (the game Archer Maclean's Mercury) by the server of Team C + D, which previously had access to permit Fanja, and it published without consent. There is no lack of research and then charges a reputation at the expense of others and to demonstrate that changes FreePlay are zero, Mathieulh released the source of the work of the Team. The coder then confirms the futility of such a feat, given that the game on PSN was quickly patched. It's not late, however, the response FreePlay who, finding himself called a thief, tried to assert his reasons. The attacker denies the charges, since he was allowed access to the servers and therefore was not forced in any way. FreePlay continues, stating that the publication of the exploit is only due to the fact that the firmware 6.20 is blocked.
Pending further developments can be found in full, the entire post from Mathieulh and attached, the source of the exploit.



Freeplay has been warned not to leak the Mercury Because the exploit code simply is not his, he abused Fanja's trust when Fanja Freeplay gave an access to his server and svn freeplay tried every possible URL variations until he found something. That something was the prometheus svn Which had various exploits including the mercury one, all coded and ready for use. Freeplay basically stole the exploit.
You can see him here: http://forums.mformature.net/showpost.php?p=96166&postcount=156 (screenshot saved to make sure he does not suddently edit his post)
admiting to this very fact.

You can also see my personal warning here http://forums.mformature.net/showpost.php?p=96121&postcount=141 posted Freeplay leaked long before the exploit. Will You Recognize The Game I talk about is none other than Mercury.

Stealing is lame, is leaking even more, this is not the first time he leaks things he has been entrusted (though he did not even have any rights to have a hold, use or release this exploit in the first place since he stole it)

As I stated in mformature, the amount of work he provided to get it work is 0. Since the exploit was all ready to use and sources were provided in the content prometheus svn he stole.

Either way the developers' community has been warned and have him removed from whatever list trusting he might have been.

As a proof that I am not lying to you, or making this up, now I will be providing this post along the original Mercury exploits and sources as they were in the original svn (after removing. Svn folders for obvious reasons). Trust me, it saddens me to have to resort to doing so, unfortunately I do have no choice considering Freeplay The Game leaked exploits to begin with.

Freeplay seems it was all about get hungry from using work that is not his and this I can not forgive. Hence I am Informing the world of his evil deeds.

I would also like to add that releasing this exploit was pointless and as we have Foretold, The Game Sony removed from the playstation store less than one hour after it was announced, preventing anyone to purchase The Game on the PSP go (even if it was Already in the patched firmware 6:20) Rest assured that we also do have more exploits user (inside the svn (and I do hope those Freeplay does not leak out of hunger either) as well as outside of it) but that unlike him we are not Thus after fame and he does not like wasting exploits (especially as unlike him, we actually do find them on our own and not steal the work of others)

As its always been said, crime does not pay, stealing and using the sources as well as theft for your own profit is a crime Whether you like it, or not.

P.S. The kernel exploits ifhandle provided in the supplied sources has been fixed since firmware 6:00 so there is no harm in supplying it along with the sources that were initially using it.

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Makes me glad im a neutral ;)

November 23rd, 2009, 22:12
boy for someone who posts on mformature sure isn't mature enough to keep your drama too yourself its a stupid ass hello world project who's it doesnt mean much and i think you should all stop whining and work together

November 23rd, 2009, 22:36
oh but that would not be as dramatic

November 23rd, 2009, 23:39
We don't need the news paged clogged up with childish fights. Does anyone actually want to read this? =\

November 23rd, 2009, 23:57
I feel dumber having read it

November 24th, 2009, 00:11
Yeah but this is gonna lead to the hackers closing ranks and probably letting even fewer people have access to their work, they already got a load of exploits for Psp go they refuse to share outside a select circle, there's only 1 active hacker group left and this certainly won't help.

November 24th, 2009, 00:41
Ha ha ha, good grief.

November 24th, 2009, 03:25

Looks like I'm sticking to my phat then

November 24th, 2009, 09:28
My eyes hurt so much while trying to read this one >.<

bad............grammar..........is................ .........................bad x.x

November 24th, 2009, 14:22
My eyes hurt so much while trying to read this one >.<

bad............grammar..........is................ .........................bad x.x

gah! get over the grammar, there is more important things in life to do than fret over the placement of a 4x4 pixel dot

November 25th, 2009, 04:28
My eyes hurt so much while trying to read this one >.<

bad............grammar..........is................ .........................bad x.x
Not everyone's a native english speaker/writer you know... but hey, write the same thing in French with a correct grammar and then you can complain :rolleyes:

November 25th, 2009, 22:48
Cool... I have the original Mercury.
Now the UMD might have some value :D

November 26th, 2009, 02:24
I just couldn't get into mercury, I bought the umd when it came out and the sold it cause I didn't play it.
Any exploit released for the go will be patched in short order, why even exploit the go?
I mean you need PSN access for the damn thing, If there was a workaround for the PSN access that would be something.

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February 3rd, 2010, 11:01
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