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View Full Version : Installing YDL 6.2 on a PS3.

November 24th, 2009, 11:16
News via http://sceners.org/blog/?itemid=735

Yellow Dog Linux is one of the best Linux distributions that you can install on your (Phat) PS3. Considering that version 6.2 has been released to public on the past days, let's see a quick howto about the installation.

1º Get ready: Set up your PlayStation 3 system connected to a monitor/tv, and be sure to have your game controller and a mouse+keyboard for it. (USB ones, easy to handle, easy to find)

2º Power on your PS3 and update if needed. Format your HDD from System Settings > Format Utility. (Custom Partition, really recommended) If prompted, deliver the most space to the OtherOS. (Using Quick Format)

3º Download YDL 6.2 DVD from here (http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.yellowdoglinux.com/pub/yellowdog/iso/yellowdog-6.2-ppc-DVD_20090629.iso), and burn it to a DVD.

4º Go to System Settings > Install Other OS and use /PS3/otheros/otheros.bld as needed.This will install the bootloader.

5º Go again to System Settings > Default System > Other OS, and install YDL.

6º Under the kboot command, if you have a 1080p monitor, use install_ps3_1080p command. Otherwise, use the needed one for 1080i or 720p. For low resolution mode use install_text command.

7º Install YDL as usually. When asked for partitions, and unless you are an experienced Linux user (in which case set up a swap > 512mb), use the "Remove all partitions" option, this won't affect OtherOS bootloader.

8º Once installed, reboot and remove manually the installation DVD.

9º After the installation, the process is the same as if it was a regular PC. Define your options and boot until the desktop.

10º Once bored of Linux (who is, really?), enter "ps3-boot-game-os" at kboot, and press Enter.