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View Full Version : Ruffian: 360 controller "a big reason" for sticking with Microsoft

November 26th, 2009, 14:31
Crackdown 2 developer Ruffian Games has said that its relationship with Microsoft and the Xbox 360 controller "is a big reason for sticking with the 360", but that it doesn't think of itself "as exclusively 360 for the rest of time".

Talking with Square Go on the subject of Ruffian developing multiplatform titles in the future, Crackdown 2's producer James Cope said:

"We've been working with Microsoft for a long time so we have a lot of experience with the 360 but not so much with the PS3.

"We don't think of ourselves as exclusively 360 for the rest of time. As a company we have to keep things open and think about how to survive without Microsoft sometime in the future but that doesn't mean we're set in our ways.

"We're happy with the situation at the moment. We don't contain ourselves in any way. We want to make great games and we want to make great games on any console."

Creative Director Billy Thomson then added:

"And I prefer the 360 controller which is a big reason for sticking with the 360."

It's an off the cuff comment, of course, but we're certainly not going to disagree with Billy's taste in control pad. Do you?

Crackdown 2 launches exclusively on Xbox 360 next year.


November 26th, 2009, 21:01
Fighting games disagree.

November 26th, 2009, 21:30
Fighting games disagree.

Although the pads perfectly fine for first person shooters the d-pad is truly awful! lol

I've purchased 2 capcom fightpads and a hori stick just to be able to play games like King of Fighters XII, SFIV, Garou mark of the wolves, SF2 hd remix, Tekken etc

November 26th, 2009, 22:12
Although the pads perfectly fine for first person shooters the d-pad is truly awful! lol

I've purchased 2 capcom fightpads and a hori stick just to be able to play games like King of Fighters XII, SFIV, Garou mark of the wolves, SF2 hd remix, Tekken etc

Are the Capcom pads any good? I have the Akuma SF Anniversary pad for the original Xbox and it's not too great. :/

November 27th, 2009, 20:26
Are the Capcom pads any good? I have the Akuma SF Anniversary pad for the original Xbox and it's not too great. :/

Defo worth the purchase...although its no sega satuurn pad!