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View Full Version : Rare implies Natal-powered Killer Instinct

November 27th, 2009, 14:08
Studio head talks of “doing something different” with standard fight controls
Rare studio head Mark Betteridge has strongly indicated that a new Killer Instinct game could be developed for Natal.
Betteridge told Multiformat games magazine Games TM that the studio wants to break new ground if it is to develop a new Killer Instinct title.
“Street Fighter IV looked great and they’ve done a great job, and I’m a big fan of those products, but with KI we want to do something different rather than go back into that arena,” he said.
“It’s about timing, and it’s about the opportunity creatively and gameplay-wise that it would offer… I think it’s about doing something different than with a conventional controller.”
George Andreas, head of design at Rare, went on to amplify Betteridge’s suggestions, after claiming that the studio would focus on making a Killer Instinct game for “the masses”.

Rumours of a new Killer Instinct project have floated for over ten years. No such projects have materialised.
