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View Full Version : GoBoy for N-Gage Update

August 31st, 2004, 03:45
The Gameboy emulator for the Nokia N-Gage and other Series 60 phones has seen an unnoficial update from the author of SymbNes (http://ngagenews.netfirms.com/symbnes.shtml), Lassi Kinnunen has released a recompiled Goboy exe that works with the existing emulator for a speed increase and more:[br][br] So I spent some time improving my GoBoy build - now it saves automatically upon exit and loads automatically when reloading a game that has been loaded before. [br][br]He said in an earlier release that it has given a much needed speed boost and this version works with the free version of GoBoy[br][br]Download both files from Here (http://ngagenews.netfirms.com/goboy.shtml)

August 31st, 2004, 07:19
Great news! :D

September 6th, 2004, 19:50
Is it possible to emulate GameBoy Advance on the Nokia Ngage? Only problem I see is that the GBA and Ngage have different shaped screens.

Wouldn't it be easier to emualte the GBA since GBA and Ngage both have an ARM CPU?

September 6th, 2004, 21:32